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1.哈桑 曼迪亚县 Mandya 哈桑县 Hassan 果达古县 Kodagu ...

6.哈珊塔 14.Harper 竖琴弹奏者 16.Hassan 英俊的 17.Heath 荒地 ...


1.Hassan picked up the queens. "You know, I think you're going to make Agha sahib very proud tomorrow. "哈桑要了一对Q,“你知道吗,我觉得你明天会让老爷觉得很骄傲。”

2.Cogia Hassan pulled out his purse to give her a present, but while he was putting his hand into it, she plunged her dagger into his heart.柯加‧哈珊掏出钱包要赏她礼物,但就在他伸手进去时,玛琪安娜把匕首刺入他的心脏。

3.But he was doing something now, motioning with his hands in an urgent way. Then I understood. "Hassan, we--"但他似乎在做别的事情,双手焦急地摇动。于是我明白了,“哈桑,我们……”

4.He asked me to fetch Hassan too, but I ped and told him Hassan had the runs.他让我叫上哈桑,但我撒谎,说哈桑有事情要做。

5.Buying art quickly brought him in contact with artists. Mr Salahi spent much of his exile in Qatar with Sheikh Hassan as his patron.购买艺术品是他快速和艺术家们建立联系的方式,比如萨拉齐在卡塔尔的大部分流亡时间一直受他恩惠。

6."Amir agha and I are friends, " Hassan said. He looked flushed.“阿米尔少爷跟我是朋友。”哈桑红着脸说。

7.The Iranian ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi later said the two sides would meet again in less than a month.伊朗驻伊拉克大使哈桑•卡齐米•库米之后表示双方将在一个月内再次会晤。

8.After, I started to ask him if he'd pked the story, a giggle rising in my throat, when Hassan began to clap.完了之后,我嘴里咯咯笑着,问他是否喜欢这个故事,哈桑拍手叫好。

9.exaggerate, Hassan, "I said, loving him for it. "“你太夸张了,哈桑。”我说,不过很高兴他这么认为。

10.As soon as she saw Cogia Hassan, she knew that he was the chief of the thieves and that he carried a dagger under his coat.她一看到柯加‧哈珊,便认出他就是强盗首领,也发现他在上衣内还藏了把匕首。