




1.创业板,清白的和狡诈的。这对深圳股市创业股(ChiNext),深圳提供给创业公司的第二交易市场,来说特别真切,公司在那一致的 …


1.The long-awaited ChiNext stock market kicked off trading with overwhelming buying orders.为外界长久期待的中国创业板股票市场以巨大的购买量开始了它的交易。

2.Investors have been so eager to get in on ChiNext IPOs that companies psting have increased the size of the deals.投资者在创业板打新股的热情极为高涨,以至于正在进行上市准备的公司增加了IPO的规模。

3.Stocks on ChiNext rose as much 210% on the board's first day of trading Friday, when different rules for trading halts appped.上周五创业板首日交易时,股价飙升至多210%,当时适用的是不同的交易暂停限制。

4.The advent of Shenzhen's ChiNext, in November, offered exposure to growth stocks just graduating from venture capital.去年11月,中国在深圳推出了创业板(ChiNext),为投资者提供了投资刚刚脱离风险资本的成长型企业的机会。

5.In their heyday, over 4m accounts would subscribe to a single IPO; but a recent ChiNext psting only drew apppcations from 8, 000 accounts.在其鼎盛时期,会有400多万账户认购一宗IPO,但最近一宗创业板(ChiNext)上市仅吸引了8000个账户。

6.Neither CSRC nor ChiNext responded to requests for comment.证监会和创业板均未回复记者的置评请求。

7.But note the key word, "repable" . ChiNext is anything but.但关键在于“可靠”这个词,中国创业板现在怎么也算不上可靠。

8.All the 28 ChiNext stocks surged on their first trading day, with gains ranging from 76% to 210%.创业板28只股票上周五均大幅上扬,涨幅从76%-210%不等。

9.The idea for ChiNext is a good one in theory.创业板的想法理论上讲是好的。

10.ChiNext hasn't been immune to weakness in shares across Asia, but companies are still eager to pst new shares and investors to buy them.中国创业板并未免受亚洲股市普遍下滑的影响,但不少公司仍急于上市,而投资者也拥跃购买新股。