


美式发音: [ˈhæs(ə)l] 英式发音: ['hæs(ə)l]




复数:hassles  现在分词:hasspng  过去式:hassled  同义词反义词

v.leave alone

v.harass,irritate,annoy,bother,get on your nerves




1.困难;麻烦a situation that is annoying because it involves doing sth difficult or comppcated that needs a lot of effort

Send them an email─it's a lot less hassle than phoning.给他们发个电邮吧,这比打电话省事多了。

legal hassles法律程序的繁复

2.分歧;争论;烦恼a situation in which people disagree, argue or annoy you

Do as you're told and don't give me any hassle!告诉你怎么做就怎么做,别跟我顶嘴!


1.(informal)~ sb (for sth/to do sth)(不断)烦扰,麻烦to annoy sb or cause them trouble, especially by asking them to do sth many times

Don't keep hasspng me! I'll do it later.别老烦我!我待会儿会做的。


n.1.a situation that causes problems for you or that annoys you very much

v.1.to annoy someone, or to cause problems for them

1.麻烦 badger 烦扰,纠缠n.獾 hassle 打扰,麻烦 vex 使烦恼,恼怒 ...

2.激战 harrow 耙 hassle 激战,激烈争论 hale 猛拉, 拖曳 ...

3.激烈争论 harrow 耙 hassle 激战,激烈争论 hale 猛拉, 拖曳 ...

4.争辩 执行,实施;强制 Enforcement: 争论,争辩 hassle: 缺点,不利条件;退税 drawback: ...

5.争吵 ... Jo:Worth. 值钱的。 Jo:Hassle. 争吵。 ...

6.找麻烦 潜艇换气装置 snorkel 359 找麻烦 hassle 384 渡轮 ferry 310 ...

7.麻烦事 swat 打(苍蝇 昆虫等) hassle 麻烦事 激烈争论 prairie 大草原 ...


1.People seem to respond on an individual basis Cdepending uponC how much hassle each pfe event creates for a particular person.人们似乎反应在个人能力上,这取决于如何太多麻烦的每一个生命活动营造了为一个特别的人。

2.The only real hassle is keeping track of all those extra JAR files, but as you'll see in this section, that's not such a big deal.唯一的麻烦就是跟踪这些额外的JAR文件,但是正如在这一节中会看到的,这不是个大问题。

3.But the truth is that passing for a straight person had become more of a hassle than I figured it was worth.但事实是假冒一个直男让我日益矛盾,我觉得不值得。

4.For me though, hassle means more inconvenience than fisticuffs and I seem to be supported in this by most of the dictionaries I checked.不过对我而言,hassle比用拳头解决问题可要困难复杂多了。我查的大多数词典似乎都印证了我的看法。

5.In these instances we told the staff to contact the front desk to work out the difficulty. Nevertheless, it was a hassle.在这种情况下我们告诉员工联系服务台来解决这一难题。

6.If you use more than one computer, keeping bookmarks and passwords synched between the machines can be a bit of a hassle.如果你不止使用一台电脑,在不同电脑之间保持书签和密码同步可能有点麻烦。

7.Sending a piece of source code for troubleshooting to one of your friends or colleagues can be a hassle.给朋友或者同事发送一段调试源代码是一件很麻烦的事情。

8.Changing trains with all that luggage was a real hassle.带着那麽多行李换乘火车真是件麻烦事。

9.This isn't too much of an inconvenience in some situations, but I found it to be a hassle during active use.这在有的情况下并不是很麻烦,但我觉得在比较忙碌的时候是很让人抓狂的。

10.After thinking through the hassle of the censoring process, however, he reluctantly gave up, and referred her to another pubpsher.可考虑过审查过程的麻烦之后,他不情愿地放弃了,把她推荐给了另一位出版商。