


美式发音: [heɪst] 英式发音: [heɪst]




第三人称单数:hastes  现在分词:hasting  过去分词:hasted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make haste

Adj.+n.great haste,undue haste





1.急速;匆忙;仓促speed in doing sth, especially because you do not have enough time

In her haste to complete the work on time, she made a number of mistakes.她急急忙忙想按时完工,结果出了不少错。

The letter had clearly been written in haste .这封信明显是在匆忙中写的。

After his first wife died, he married again with almost indecent haste.他的第一任妻子死后,他几乎是迫不及待地就再婚了。

She made haste to open the door.她急忙打开门。

IDMmore haste, less speed欲速则不达you will finish doing sth sooner if you do not try to do it too quickly because you will make fewer mistakes



n.1.great speed in doing something because of pmited time

1.急速 has 有 haste 匆忙,急速 hat (有边的)帽子 ...

2.匆忙 interpret v. 阐释,说明 haste n. 匆忙(贬义) leap v. n. 跳跃,往前方跨步 ...

3.急忙 555. harmony n. 和谐,融洽 556. haste n. 急速,急忙 557. hatred n. 憎恶,憎恨 ...

4.草率 → haircut 理发 → haste 急速,草率 → heroic 英雄的,英勇的 ...

5.加速术 祈求术( Invoke) 加速术Haste) 护盾术( Shield) ...

6.急速,急忙 harmony n. 和谐,融洽 556. haste n. 急速,急忙 557. hatred n. 憎恶,憎恨 558. ...

7.赶快 hardware n. 硬件; 金属制品 haste n. 匆忙, 赶快 hatred n. 憎恶, 憎恨, 怨恨 ...


1.The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrows and trash in the yard.风卷起雪花,覆盖了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹,抚平了山脊,覆盖了院内的车轮印和垃圾。

2.there may be less haste in deciding the fate of Mr Abhisit's party, determined to hang on to power until its term ends in a year.宪法法院不会那么匆忙地决定阿披实一党的命运了,而是决心等到他还有不到一年的任期结束后再做商议。

3.They will seek the enemy as if searching for a lost son; they will attack the enemy as if rescuing a drowning man, with haste.寻求敌人要象寻找丢失的孩子那样志在必得,进攻敌人务象抢救落水的人那样奋不顾身地迅速行动。

4.He set out in such a haste that he didn't have time to say good-bye to his friends.他匆促起程,未及向朋友告别。

5."If we make haste, " said Lydia, as they walked along, "perhaps we may see something of Captain Carter before he goes. "“要是我们赶得快些,”丽迪雅边走边这么说,“或许我们还来得及赶在卡特尔上尉临走以前看看他。”

6.In his haste he almost broke some of his fingers, yet he did not mind the hurt.急切之下,他差点折断了几根手指,但现在他已经不在乎这种伤痛了。

7."Come, child, " he said to Cosette; and he made haste to quit the Rue Pontoise.“来,孩子。”他对珂赛特说,同时他赶忙离开了蓬图瓦兹街。

8.The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrow and cog and trash in the yard.朔风扫过,白雪覆盖了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹——它抚平了山脊,躲匿了院内的车辙和轮齿,让杂物都无影无踪。

9.Then she slammed the door to, in great haste, sat down to dinner again, and was quite frightened.然后,她砰地门关上,转身赶紧回到座位,心里害怕极了。

10.Make haste, my beloved, and be thou pke to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.我的良人哪,求你快来。如羚羊或小鹿在香草山上。