




1.蓝豹 圣大保罗 Polo 蓝豹 LAMPO 云敦 WHACKO ...

2.蓝宝 ... LAMBORGHINI 兰伯基尼(香港译林宝坚尼) LAMPO 兰博 LANCER 轻骑兵 ...

4.意大利 LAMPO 兰博 意大利 菲亚特工业公司 LANCER 轻骑兵 日本 三菱汽车公司 ...

5.电灯 lamo: 喇嘛 lampo: 电灯 lando: 土地 ...


1.To make matters worse, during one trip Lampo got caught in some automatic doors just as they were closing, and the train had to be stopped.更糟的是,有一次列车上的自动门关闭时正巧将兰普卡住了,结果列车不得不停下来。

2.We decided to send Lampo off the same way he had come: to put him on a train going as far away as possible.我们决定将兰普送回到它来时的方向,准备将它放到火车上,要送得尽可能地远。

3.Canine Commuter One night as I sat in the train, I reapzed Lampo was lying at my feet.狗的通勤车票一天晚上,我刚刚坐上车,发现兰普正卧在我的脚边。

4.But Lampo did not pmit himself to the evening journey.但是,兰普并没有只限于这种晚间旅行。

5.Months went by, and as I worked, my attention was often drawn to the empty corner where Lampo used to sleep.数月过去了,每当我工作时,总是情不自禁地望望那个现已空空、原来兰普打盹的角落。

6.One winter day I saw Lampo eyeing the Rome-Genoa express.一个冬日,我见兰普总是盯着由罗马至热那亚的特快列车。

7.LAMPO is an affirmation and inspiration in the strain of work.LAMPO是紧张工作中的肯定与激励;