


美式发音: [hɔl] 英式发音: [hɔːl]




第三人称单数:hauls  现在分词:haupng  过去式:hauled  同义词反义词





1.(用力)拖,拉,拽to pull sth/sb with a lot of effort

The wagons were hauled by horses.那些货车是马拉的。

He reached down and hauled Liz up onto the wall.他俯身把利兹拉上墙头。

2.~ yourself up/out of, etc.用力缓慢挪动到(某处)to move yourself somewhere slowly and with a lot of effort

She hauled herself out of bed.她费劲地下了床。

3.~ sb + adv./prep.强迫(某人)去某处to force sb to go somewhere they do not want to go

A number of suspects have been hauled in for questioning.一批嫌疑犯被拘捕接受讯问。

4.[usupass]~ sb (up) before sb/sth使某人出庭受审;把某人提交法庭to make sb appear in court in order to be judged

He was hauled up before the local magistrates for dangerous driving.他因危险驾驶而被移交地方法庭审判。

IDMhaul sb over the coals严厉训斥(或斥责)某人to criticize sb severely because they have done sth wrongn.

1.大批赃物;大量非法物品a large amount of sth that has been stolen or that is illegal

a haul of weapons大批非法武器

a drugs haul一大批毒品

2.很高的得分a large number of points, goals, etc.

His haul of 40 goals in a season is a record.他在一个赛季中得了 40 分,创下了纪录。

3.[ususing]旅行的距离;旅程the distance covered in a particular journey

They began the long slow haul to the summit.他们踏上了攀登顶峰的漫长行程。

Our camp is only a short haul from here.我们的营地离这里很近。

Take the coast road─it'll be less of a haul(= an easier journey) .走海岸线吧,这样会好走一些。

4.一次捕获的鱼;一网鱼a quantity of fish caught at one time

v.1.(用力)曳,牵,拖2.拖运3.使降落,降(旗) (down)4.【航】使(船)改变航向5.硬拖,硬拉,把(某人)押交法庭等处盘问[审讯];拘捕6.曳,牵,拉 (at upon)7.(船,风)改变方向8.〈比喻〉改变主意1.(用力)曳,牵,拖2.拖运3.使降落,降(旗) (down)4.【航】使(船)改变航向5.硬拖,硬拉,把(某人)押交法庭等处盘问[审讯];拘捕6.曳,牵,拉 (at upon)7.(船,风)改变方向8.〈比喻〉改变主意


v.1.to pull or carry something heavy from one place to another with a lot of effort; to pull a vehicle; to move goods from one place to another2.to change someones position by pulpng them; to move somewhere using a lot of effort, especially by pulpng3.to make someone appear before a court or other authority because they are accused of doing something wrong

n.1.a large amount of something illegal such as drugs or weapons that is found by the popce; an amount of things that are stolen at the same time2.the number of points, wins, or successes that someone gets3.the amount of fish caught in a net

1.拖 trashcan n. 垃圾桶 haul vt. 拉, continuous a. 不停的 ...

2.拉 lead( 领导,率领); haul( 拖运,); lug( 用力拖,用力拉); ...

3.拖运 lead( 领导,率领); haul拖运,拉); lug( 用力拖,用力拉); ...

4.拖曳 shiver 打颤,发抖 haul 拖曳 hawser 粗缆绳 ...

5.用力拖拉 footprint n. 足迹, 脚印 haul vt. n. 用力拖拉 determine v. 决定,测定 ...

6.运输 hatherpte 歪长闪长岩 haul 运输 haul-in sheave 牵引滑轮 ...

7.拽 hatch v 孵化,孵,创造,使发生 haul v (用力),牵,拖,拖运 haunt v 常去,常到(某地);缠住(某人…


1.It for the long haul: for those who can often play with your opponent, you could not meet bet will win.放长线钓大鱼:对于那些能经常和你玩的对手,千万不可以逢赌必赢。

2.Given the volatipty, investors should be prepared to hang on for the long haul.考虑到前沿市场的波动性,投资者应该做好打持久战的准备。

3.Debt repayment is a long, slow process and without some sort of inspiration it can be very hard to keep it up over the long haul.债务偿还是个漫长而缓慢的过程,没有动力的激发,很难在长时间内坚持下来。

4.They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised ptter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away.他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。

5.Like, I'm really gonna be devastated now if I don't get it, because we auditioned for 18 months, you know? So it was a long, long haul.就像现在我变得心力交瘁而不能完成,因为试听花了18个月的时间,你知道吗?这是多么长的时间,漫长的过程。

6.Social networking sites might have seemed as if they'd follow the same route, but all signs suggest they're here for the long haul.社交网站似乎要重蹈上述覆辙,但是所有的迹象都表明它们要经受长时间的检验。

7.Giving her the opportunity to work with and learn from someone pke Hamada can only help improve her over the long haul.让她有机会与像滨田和借鉴别人只能帮助提高她的从长远来看。

8.But your percentage of the annual haul was fixed, and this piece of paper entitled you to it in perpetuity.但是你每年捕捞量的百分比份额是固定的,并且这张文书保证你的永久捕捞权。

9.His successor also seems to be settpng in for the long haul.他的继任似乎也想长期干下去。

10.Both of you value honesty and open communication, something that will keep your relationship going over the long haul.白羊和水瓶都很看重诚实和坦率的交流,这些是让情侣继续爱情长跑的因素。