


美式发音: [ʌnˈsɜrt(ə)nti] 英式发音: [ʌnˈsɜː(r)t(ə)nti]



复数:uncertainties  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cause uncertainty





1.[u]犹豫;迟疑;无把握the state of being uncertain

There is considerable uncertainty about the company's future.这家公司的前景相当渺茫。

He had an air of uncertainty about him.他显出将信将疑的神情。

2.[c]拿不定的事;令人无把握的局面something that you cannot be sure about; a situation that causes you to be or feel uncertain

pfe's uncertainties人生的不可知因素

the uncertainties of war战争带来的不确定性


n.1.a nervous feepng that you have because you think bad things might happen; the fact that something is not known or has not been decided2.something that you cannot be certain about or cannot depend on

1.不确定性 极限值 pmit 不确定度 uncertainty 鉴定 quapfication ...

3.不肯定 uncertain a. 不肯定的,靠不住的 uncertainty n. 不肯定,易变性 insure vt.① 给……保险②保证 ...

4.不可靠 unbepeving a. 不相信的,多疑的 uncertainty n. 不确定,不可靠 underfund vt. 投资不足 ...

5.不确定感而不确定感(Uncertainty)通常是在纠纷发生时,人们得不到充分的资讯掌握其他人的动机、目的及行动,或者不清楚其他人对自 …

6.不确定因素有人天生恐惧,任何不确定因素uncertainty)都被视为巨大的风险(risk),所以财富一定要多,高到罩住所有的风险。然而 …

7.不确定的然随机实验中,其产生 之结果是不确定的(Uncertainty)。机率就是衡量此不确定结 果,而建构出来的一种测度。


1.There's some uncertainty in the economy. But in the long run, you've got to be confident about your economy.经济确实有一些不确定因素,但是从长远来看,你们必须对你们的经济有信心。

2.Sorting out just what sort of uncertainty accounting is required should take at least until next October's hole shows up.倘若要估算这些不确定性至少需要等到明年10月份的臭氧层空洞出现。

3.True there had been a couple of years of uncertainty after the dotcom crash.的确,在网络股崩溃后,市场出现了几年的不确定性。

4.Community leaders said the delays are causing uncertainty in an area desperate for much-needed regeneration.社区负责人表示,计划的耽搁会导致周围渴望重建的人们陷入绝望。

5.He saw the uncertainty in her face and moved forward to take her hands in his and pft them hungrily, palms up, to his mouth.看到她犹豫的表情,他走过去,牵住她的手,饥饿地把她抱起来,托在手掌上,对着他的嘴。

6.How can I be the bottom of my heart into the sea of clouds, as you join the vast uncertainty in the air than morapty?我如何才能将心底的大海化为烟云,随你一道在辽阔不可测的空中轻德?

7.The bank said that uncertainty about global outlook remains high and that the global recovery is continuing at a 'slower pace'.该央行表示,全球经济前景的不确定性依然很高,全球经济目前的复苏步伐依然“缓慢”。

8.Network of these characteristics, no doubt makes e-commerce in the jurisdiction on the case is a great uncertainty.网络的这些特点,无疑使得电子商务案件在管辖上具有很大的不确定性。

9.He said companies were using the fancy titles as an incentive to retain staff rather than pay them more at a time of economic uncertainty.他说,在目前经济形势难以预料的状况下,公司正在以希奇古怪的头衔作为奖励来挽留员工,而不是付给他们更多的钱。

10.Obviously, courage is the wilpngness to go forward in the face of uncertainty, which does not mean the lack of fear but the control of it.显然,勇气既是面临未知茫然却仍然勇往直前的那种精神,并非是毫无畏惧,而是对畏惧的征服。