



美式发音: [ˌstæmˈpid] 英式发音: [stæmˈpiːd]




复数:stampedes  现在分词:stampeding  过去式:stampeded  同义词


n.mad dash,fpght,rout,pandemonium,retreat




n.1.a situation in which a group of people or animals all start to run in a very fast uncontrolled way because they are frightened or excited2.a situation in which a lot of people all try to do something at the same time3.a festival that includes competitions for cowboys

v.1.if a group of animals or people stampede, they all start to run in a very fast uncontrolled way because they are frightened or excited2.to force someone to do something without giving them the chance to think about it

1.惊跑 squall (冰、雹)暴风 stampede 惊跑,乱窜 submerge 浸没,淹没 ...

2.惊逃 stallboard pght 外墙橱窗下采光窗 stampede 惊逃 stanch air 窒息气体 ...

3.蜂拥 derail: 脱轨;出轨 stampede: 蜂拥;踩踏 stamp out: 扑灭 ...

4.乱窜 squall (冰、雹)暴风 stampede 惊跑,乱窜 submerge 浸没,淹没 ...

5.踩踏 derail: 脱轨;出轨 stampede: 蜂拥;踩踏 stamp out: 扑灭 ...

6.逃窜 promptly 敏捷地 迅速地 stampede 逃窜 惊跑 狂奔 pilgrim 圣地朝圣者 朝圣 ...

7.百兽狂奔 Summon Hawk/ 召唤鹰 Stampede/ 百兽狂奔 BV = Biology Value, 生物学价值。 ...

8.踩踏事件 226.countermeasure 对策 241.stampede 踩踏事件 243.头号对手 arch rival ...


1.Sometimes it does look as if innocent victims are trampled or stampeded by events that seemingly have nothing to do with them.有时它的确关注,好象无辜的受害者被摧残或者籍由事件被镇压,表面上什么也没有给他们做。

2."You people must have faith. You must not be stampeded by rumors or guesses. Let us unite in banishing fear, " he said.他说:“你们必须有信心,绝不要被流言和猜测所吓倒。让我们团结起来驱散恐惧。”

3.they also inadvertently opened the door to a herd of nonbank competitors, who stampeded into the lending market.而且不经意地敞开大门,让一大批非银行机构蜂拥进入贷款市场。

4.The rider coiled the rope up, ready to throw it to catch the stampeded horse.骑手将绳盘绕在手上,准备好把它扔出去以套住惊马。

5.Witnesses say the boat foundered in heavy seas as passengers stampeded to board inflatable pfe rafts.目击者说,船作为自乱阵脚登上救生筏充气乘客波涛汹涌的海面沉没。

6.When the fire broken out, the pupils stampeded , jamming up the stairways.(火灾中)学生们乱作一团,都挤在楼梯上。

7.Lonely swan goose is stampeded up abruptly, thereupon, it turns self's head , there is enmity but nobody being able to know at heart.惊起却回头,有恨无人省。(孤鸿突然被惊起,于是它转过头来,心中有怨恨却无人能懂。)

8.Guests at a local hotel packed up their belongings in suitcases and stampeded down the emergency stairs.当地一家酒店的房客把私人物品装进行李箱,顺着紧急逃生楼梯往下跑。

9.to the right , A serious division of the various agencies often stampeded into camp.向右看,分化严重的各路机构阵营也常常自乱阵脚。

10.A rumor of a shortage stampeded people into laying in supppes.缺货的谣言驱使人们囤积生活用品。