





2.豪斯曼检验接下来需考虑采用固定效应模型还是随机效应模型,豪斯曼检验Hausman)为我们提供了一个检验工具。豪斯曼检验的思想 …

3.豪斯蔓*( 3)同期相关性的豪斯蔓Hausman)检验由于在遗漏相关变量的情况下,往往导致解释变量与随机扰动项出现同期相关性…

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1.Hausman, Taxation by Telecommunications Regulation.《电信管制下的课税》。

2.Prof. Wilpam Hausman at the College of Wilpam & Mary long has urged the media to offer people inflation-adjusted stock charts.威廉与玛丽学院(CollegeofWilpam&Mary)的豪斯曼(WilpamHausman)教授长期以来一直呼吁媒体向人们提供经通货膨胀调整后的股票走势图。

3.Hausman, Does Bell Company Entry into Long-Distance Telecommunications Benefit Consumers?贝尔公司进入长途电信市场对消费者有利吗?。

4.Eva Hausman, a retired social studies teacher in Connecticut, and five other women took up that challenge.伊娃·豪斯曼,康乃迪纳州一名退休的社会学老师和其他五位妇女接受了这个挑战。

5.To find out, we spoke with Michael Hausman, chief of hand and elbow surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.为了寻求答案,我们访问了纽约市西奈山医院手肘科主任医师MichaelHausman。

6.Dr Hausman studied the hair and reported that the second hunter should be paid.豪斯曼先生研究了这些毛发,并公布第二个猎人应该得到赏金。

7.'It really puts in perspective how stocks are doing, ' Prof. Hausman says.豪斯曼说,它的确能让人们看到股票目前的表现。

8.Hausman. Valuation and the Effect of Regulation on New Services in Telecommunications.《在电信产业中对于新服务的评估与管制所造成效果》。

9.Hausman, The Effect of Sunk Costs in Telecommunication Regulation.《电信管制下沉没成本所造成效应》。

10.There are other kinds of detectives who do not wear a uniform, pke Hausman, solve endless mysteries every year.象豪斯曼一样,那些不穿制服的各种类型的侦探们每年破获数不胜数的奇案。