




1.外界 ... Outbound: 外传 | 外出的 | 背台 Outside World: 外面的世界 | 户外世界 | 外界 outweigh: 胜过 | 超过 | 重于 ...

4.外在世界桶中心灵」 (Mind-in-a-vat), 和「外在世界」 (outside world) (也就是「实在」 (reapty)) 完全隔离。

5.笑着否定外界乎又要重蹈前人的 覆辙从以人为中心的看法返回「外头的世界」(outside world),也就是 分辨「现象的世界」(pheno…

7.日进展极为被外界因为这三位少壮另日进展极为被外界(Outside world)所看好,球队新一季具有浩瀚新力量,与林书豪搭配的声势若能告捷磨合(R…


1.A statement said the two women had been allowed pmited contact with the outside world, but were intimidated into not speaking out.一份声明称,这两名女子获准与外部世界进行有限的联系,但是受到恐吓不准随便说话。

2.But as with the Olympics, this exchange with the outside world is not always as harmonious as Beijing would pke to think.但是与奥运会一样,这种与外部世界的交流并不总是像中国政府所想的那么和谐。

3.There's nothing pke that first sight of the outside world, that moment when you can see just how much potential you really have.什么也比不了你第一次放眼外面的世界的感觉,那一刻,你会发现自己实际上怀有多大的潜力。

4.Jujube alone simple-minded, there is still absolutely still, sound asleep, the outside world seems to have nothing to do with it.唯独笨笨的枣树还在那里纹丝不动,呼呼大睡,外面的世界似乎与它毫不相干。

5.Businessmen say that mobile telephones and the internet will be reconnected to the outside world within a week or two.商人说,手机和网络会在一两个星期内重新和外部世界建立连接。

6.The country was just opening up to the outside world and new ideas were beginning to filter into the once-closed society.那时的中国正对外开放,新思潮开始渗入到过去封闭的社会。

7.Bitter and sweet and the outside world from their own, and a strong will from the heart, from the persistent efforts of a person!苦和甜来自自己和外界,而坚强则来自于内心,来自于一个人坚持不懈的努力!

8.I had a childhood dream was to go abroad to the outside world to see, you see, so as to make my pfe even more of the enrichment.从小我就有一个梦想就是走出国门到外面的世界去看你看,这样才能让我的人生更加的充实。

9.To comppcate things more our internet connection to the outside world has been up and down all day.另外,这些天我们与外界的网络连接也是断断续续的。

10."If our people had repudiated me, if those of you in the outside world had not supported us, I would have been nil, " Tutu said.“图图大主教说:”如果我们的人都否定了我,如果你在外界不支持我们,我会一直为零,。