





2.高级的 dimension 长的 haute 高级的 episode 段 ...

3.昂贵的 glamorous adj. 有魅力的 haute adj. 昂贵的 nowadays adv. 现今,时下 ...

4.霍特 de France)和法国的货币和信贷政策的少数霍特(Haute)银行家族相比。

5.高的 ... TOTALE: 全部 HAUTE高的 NUTRITION: 营养 ...

6.定制Kim目前的产品系列,参照服装的成衣和定制分类法,可以叫做成帽设计(Ready-To-Wear)和定制Haute)设计。成帽系列 …


1.Ready-to-wear clothes are a cross between haute couture and mass market.现成的衣服穿高级时装之间的大众市场和交叉。

2.A pair of platform booties, a bib necklace, or a cuff bracelet can instantly make jeans and a tee look haute couture.一个饰品,一个围兜项链,袖口手镯可以马上令牛仔裤和鞋子看起来像高级女式时装。

3.At this time in fashion history the division between haute couture and ready-to-wear was not sharply defined.在这个历史时刻的方式之间的高级时装,准备部门对穿不分明。

4.she was dressed in a haute couture dress that the girls and Claudia had made her buy for the RDF New Years Eve party.裙子是舰桥的女孩们和克劳迪特意为了她参加堡垒新年派对挑选的。

5.The sculptural "haute couture" pieces enchant and enthrall with its ingenious construction and tactile allure of porcelain.这一件件能穿的雕塑充分展示了精妙的设计与瓷器间微妙的触觉魅力。

6.Yet his own fashion training was a conventional apprenticeship in haute couture, where he learned his precise cutting skills.尽管他的时尚技术是在传统的高级定制学徒制训练得到的,而在那里他学到了宝贵的剪裁技术。

7.Then In 1947, haute couture was revived in Paris and took up the fashion leadership once more.而到叼947年,高级时装在巴黎复苏,巴黎再度引领时尚的潮流。

8.Evening dress is a part of haute couture, as a carrier of the social culture, is the most visuapzation and specific expression of ideology.晚礼服是女式高级时装中的一个部分,作为社会文化的一个载体,是意识形态最形象化,最具体化的表达方式。

9.Fashionable academics teach that science is but a collection of socially conditioned opinions, as changeable as haute couture.时髦的学术组织认为科学只不过是一些一定社会条件下的观点,就像高级女式服装一样,说变就变。

10.Show 100 people this outfit and I'd bet a stuffed toy leopard not one of them would say, "Ooh, Givenchy haute couture! "100个人看了这套服装后,我敢赌个豹子玩具,他们中没有一个人会说:“哦,这是纪梵希高级女装店的衣服!”