

have fun

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1.玩得开心 fun 愉快;开心 have fun 玩得开心 if 如果 ...

2.玩得高兴 86.say hello to sb. 向某人问好 87.have fun 玩得高兴 88.right away 立刻;马上 ...

3.玩的开心 hat (有檐的)帽子 have fun 玩的开心 have to 不得不;必须 ...

4.玩得愉快 fun 愉快 have fun 玩得愉快 if 如果 ...

5.祝你玩得愉快 我去了啊。 I'm off now. *off 祝你玩得愉快Have fun. 就这样,坚持下去。 Keep it up. ...

6.玩的愉快 You guessed it! 你猜对了 have fun 玩的愉快 23. drop sb. a pne 写信给某人 ...

7.祝你玩得开心 —Oh,good luck. 哦,祝你好运。 Have fun祝你玩得开心。 Best of luck. 祝 …


1.People won't make much but they might have fun working in a focus group or evaluating products or services as a mystery shopper.人们不会因此赚到很多的钱,不过他们或许会从小组讨论或者作为一名神秘顾客去评价产品和服务中得到乐趣。

2.He had set out on his great walk for a jumble of reasons, but mostly to have fun.他总有一大堆原因开始伟大的冒险旅程,但多半是为了玩。

3.Try to have fun in everything you do. Hapiness begins with a smile. And becoming what you want starts with doing it!试着做某事的时候多一点的乐趣,快乐从一个微笑开始,也从你做你想做的事开始。

4.One day, the boy and the villagers would pke a joke, gave them a bit of trouble from which to have fun.有一天,这个男孩想和村民们开个玩笑,给他们制造一点麻烦,以便从中找乐。

5.And the original text in the remotest sense, the children are not always happy, and their happiness as the children have fun.原来和文字沾上边的孩子从来都是不快乐的,他们的快乐象贪玩的小孩。

6."He had the birthday Saturday, " he said. "We made him a birthday party. We had to have fun with with him. How? "他说:“他星期六过生日。我们为他的生日举行聚会。我们必须让他高兴,但是如何能做到呢?”

7.He's very happy and he told me to have fun, enjoy the moment and that's what I would say to another driver if it was the same situation.他很高兴,他告诉我要享受这项运动,当然在同样的情况下,我也会对别的车手这么说的。

8.His wonderful personapty demonstrated to one and all that it is possible to have fun while fighting leviathan.他超凡的个性向人们展示出,跟怪兽作战时也有可能享受乐趣。

9.A mature men do not corrupt and he knows: get down to have fun than a pile of money to enjoy the sight of them more interesting.一个成熟男人决不做贪官,他明白:踏踏实实地拥有快乐比提心吊胆地拥有一堆钱更有意思。

10.He's, uh, sort of this year's, I guess, you. I'll take that as a comppment. Hey, have fun tonight.他就像是,让我想想,当年的你。我就当你在夸我好了,晚上好好玩。