




1.一英寸 the fortieth visitor 第40位来访者 one inch 一英寸 ten inches 十英寸 ...

2.一寸 片 Photo 一寸 One inch 血型( Blood Group) ...

3.壹寸 ... 壹担 one picul 壹寸 one inch 弍尺 two feet ...

4.一寸高 [经典诗歌] 双语诗歌:所追求的灵魂 The Spirit [经典诗歌] 双语趣味诗歌:一寸高 One Inch&nb ...

5.一步 你的手再越雷池(south of equator)一步(one inch) 我就揍扁你, (twinkle-toes, An effeminate homosexual male.中文不好翻)

6.公分差距小於2.5 公分 (one inch)加上 这只是 个平均数直 台湾男生 长至 17 cm 左右的也大有人在亚洲男性 不应该 自以为 长度不如 …


1.She will start with a low one-inch heel and build up to a towering five inches by the age of 23, as she teeters into womanhood.她最初会穿低于一英寸的根,在23岁缓缓地走进一个女人时代的时候使其达到五英寸的高度。

2.The air gap must be at least two times the diameter of the water supply inlet and no less than one inch in diameter.在水槽的下水管和地板下水管之间。气隙的大小应至少为进水管直径的两倍,直径不应小于一英吋。

3.When Tom reached home, his mother had already made his shirt shorter by one inch.汤姆到家时,他妈妈已把他的上衣改短了一英寸。

4.Quanta with a wavelength of one inch would be, in a sense, measures that are graduated in inches.在某种意义上,具有一英寸波长的能量量子可以在英寸内起到刻度的作用。

5.All of the wanting in the world is not going to move you one inch closer to what you want: you have to do.世上最遗憾的事莫过于梦想自己不会向你的方向多靠近哪怕一英寸,因此你必须主动去接近梦想。

6."My Lord, " said the pttle One-Inch, "My pfe and my sword are at your service. "“君主,”小不点说,“我的生命和我的剑随时听候您的吩咐。”

7."O" is only for his best wishes: ONE INCH CLOSER , to the fans, to people all around the world.仅仅代表了他的美好心愿:与歌迷与世人更近一寸。

8.I also noticed a one inch laceration of his scalp, surrounded by blood-caked hair, and a deformity of his left leg.我还看到他的头皮上有个一英寸的口子,周围是结着血块的头发,左腿变形了。

9.Pour spirits into a mixing glass and stir to chill. Strain into a small martini glass and top with one inch of cream .入调酒杯直调至冷,入小型马提尼杯上加奶油一英寸奶油。

10.Ok, please give me a one-inch color photo and a copy of your ID card, and fill in this apppcation.好,请给我一张一寸彩色照片和一份您的身份证复印件,再填写一下申请表。