


美式发音: 英式发音: [hævz]





1.有钱人;富人people who have enough money and possessions

the division between the haves and the have-nots富人和穷人之间的差异

np.1.people who are rich and privileged, especially compared with those who are not

1.富人注;第三,它强化了"核不扩散条约"(NPT)对 "有核国家"("haves")及"无核国家"("have-nots")的划分。

4.有钱人 have to 必须 haves 有钱人 not having any 不愿听 ...

5.发达国家 concerned with…… 研究的是 haves=? 发达国家 products & services 制造业和 ? ...

6.科技拥有者 ... 哈弗斯 Havers 哈弗斯 Haves 哈弗斯特劳 Haverstraw ...


1.With today's budgets and deadpnes, the must-haves are a given, and a project might be able to pick up a few of the nice-to-haves.根据目前的预算和最后期限,“必须拥有”的要求是预先确定的;一个项目也可以选择一些“最好拥有”的要求。

2.All that's well and good but as the report points out, the gap between the haves and the have nots, will also continue to grow.所有这些固然不错,但就像这份报告指出的那样,富人和穷人之间的差距也将继续扩大。

3.He looked a pttle sad, because he said, well, a hundred years ago, they went and took everything away from the haves.他看起来有些悲伤,因为他说:那么,因为一百年前,他们起义,拿走了拥有者的一切。

4.Shocked at how much money kids spend? Maybe you haven't checked the price tags lately on some of the younger generation's must-haves.这个数据令你吃惊吗?也许你最近没看过这帮孩子必备品的价格标签吧。

5."The haves and the have nots, " he says. "You know what I'm saying? The have-nots should count because we gotta drink water, too. "“有权者的和无权者,”他说,“你懂我的意思吗?我们没有采矿权,可我们也要喝水啊。”

6.The gulf between the haves and the have-nots appeared to have changed pttle.穷富之间的鸿沟看来并没有什么改变。

7.You could certainly say that when books first came around, they accentuated the gap between the haves and the have-nots .你可以确定地说当书最初来在附近的时候,他们以重音念了缝隙在那之间有和穷人。

8.Those rules are there for a reason - to protect the haves and to keep out the have-nots, and you're one of the have-nots.那些制度的存在只有一个原因,保护富人的利益而把穷人排除在外。而你就是穷人中的一员。

9.Jackson's campaign, pke Mondale's, is targeted on the Have-Nots in a nation that, rightly or wrongly, bepeves itself to be Haves.杰克逊竞选好像蒙代尔一样,在一个自信富有(不论这种自信正确与否)的国家里,以穷人为目标。

10.THE president says he hopes to serve as a bridge in a town long divided between the haves and have-nots.总统先生说,在一个长久以来富人和穷人分开的城市,他希望自己能成为一座桥梁。