




1.一个钟头内 ... one man one vote 一人投一票 in an hour = in one hour 一个小时之内(或:一个小时之后) a foot = one foot 一英 …

4.一个小时后 ... 2. point out 指出 3. in one hour 一个小时后 4. find math easy 发现数学简单 ...

5.用时间how soon 是多快, 但答者可以用时间 (in one hour) 来回答oneboxman |十六级采纳率65% 擅长:英语翻译 更多相关问题>> 更 …


1.If all that gasopne is burned, it would equal the amount of energy transmitted by the sun in one hour.如果所有汽油燃烧,它将平等的金额能源转交由孙在一小时。

2.And yet how simple it is: in one day, in one hour everything could be arranged at once!其实,这很简单:只消一天,一个小时,一切便会一蹴而就的!

3.You were careful to keep the hose handy, and the blaze didn't get out of control. You knocked out three days of work in one hour of fire.你小心地保持软管轻便,大火没有失控,三个小时的灭火,你一个小时就搞定。

4.S next month, sorry, you just caught me in the meeting here, yeah, I will call you back in one hour.你打来电话我正在这里开会,好的,我过一个小时打给你。

5.You may go out and play, as long as you promise to be back in one hour.你可以出去玩,只要你答应一个小时后回来。

6.I thought it impossible to arrive that place in one hour.我认为一个小时到达那个地方是不可能。

7.speaking. We expect to land in London in one hour.这是机长讲话,我们将在一小时内抵达伦敦。

8.Please meet back at the front door in one hour.请1小时以后回到前门集合。

9.Sam left but he promised to be back in one hour.山姆离开了,但是他答应一小时内会回来。

10.Typically, leisure is measured in one hour units, so that in one day, a worker can choose to take up to 24 hours of leisure.通常情况下,休闲的测量单位在一小时内,以便在一天,一个工人可以选择最多需要24个小时的闲暇。