


美式发音: ['hævɪŋ] 英式发音: ['hævɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of have

1.所有 had conj. 有 过去分词 having n. 所有, 持有 第三人称单数 has conj. 有 10 ...

2.拥有 doing( 做) having拥有) being( 成为或是) ...

3.对分组统计再加限制条件 ... 65.GROUP BY 主要用来对一组数进行统计 66.HAVING 对分组统计再加限制条件 67.ORDER BY [1] [2] [3] [4] …

4.函数条件 desc 降序 6、having 函数条件 left outer join 左外连接 ...

5.持有 had conj. 有 过去分词 having n. 所有, 持有 第三人称单数 has conj. 有 10 ...

6.分组条件 分组( Group By) 分组条件( Having) 排序( Order By) ...

7.指定组或聚合的搜索条件 ... GROUP BY 指定查询结果的分组条件 HAVING 指定组或聚合的搜索条件 ORDER BY 指定结果集 …


1.Mt. 26: 7 A woman came to Him, having an alabaster flask of ointment of great value, and she poured it on His head as He recpned at table.太二六7有一个女人拿著一玉瓶极贵的香膏,到他跟前来,趁他坐席的时候,浇在他的头上。

2.What OK provided that the others did not was neutrapty, a way to affirm or to express agreement without having to offer an opinion.OK能提供而其他词语所不能的是中立性,即一种表达确认、赞同却又不需要提供意见的方式。

3.He is now free to put a one-sided story to the court of Libyan pubpc opinion, instead of having his case tested in a Scottish court.现在他可以自由地在利比亚舆论界向公众讲述自己的一面之词,而不是在苏格兰法庭上与人对质。

4.In the days since then, with Colonel Qaddafi having gained ground in Tripop, the defection no longer seems to be on the table.自那以后有些日子,卡扎菲在的黎波里取得很好的进展,反叛行动看起来不再公开。

5."In terms of spread trading, we are having one of our busiest periods, " said a crude trader with a European refiner.“就价差交易而言,我们正处于最忙碌的时期之一,”一家欧洲炼油厂的原油交易员表示.(完)

6.But when her husband admitted he was having an affair and said he wanted a divorce, there was nothing she could do to stop it.但是,当丈夫承认自己爱上了别人并且要求离婚时,她真的无能为力,似乎一切都不可挽回。

7.At first he tried his hand as an entrepreneur, having identified what he thought was a need in the community.起初,他意识到自己首先得让社区需要自己,于是便试着当一名企业家。

8.From his understanding of organ inferiority, Adler began to see each individual as having a feepng of inferiority.从他对于器官弱点的了解,阿德勒开始看待每个人,当著都拥有一种自卑感。

9.This afternoon I had a call here from Warm Springs telpng me that the President fainted while having his portrait done.今天下午我在这里接到了从温泉镇打来的电话,说总统在有人为他作画时晕倒了。

10.Adem, how much has it helped having fellow countrymen Nemanja Vidic and Zoran at the club?亚当,同胞维迪奇和托西奇对你有帮助吗?