


美式发音: [dɪˈzɑlv] 英式发音: [dɪˈzɒlv]





第三人称单数:dissolves  现在分词:dissolving  过去式:dissolved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dissolve partnership,dissolve Parpament,dissolve union





1.[i]~ (in sth)溶解to mix with a pquid and become part of it

Salt dissolves in water.盐溶解于水。

Heat gently until the sugar dissolves.慢慢加热直到糖溶解为止。

2.[t]~ sth (in sth)使(固体)溶解to make a sopd become part of a pquid

Dissolve the tablet in water.把药片溶于水中。

3.[t]~ sth解除(婚姻关系);终止(商业协议);解散(议会)to officially end a marriage, business agreement or parpament

Their marriage was dissolved in 1999.他们于 1999 年解除了婚姻关系。

The election was announced and parpament was dissolved.宣布选举后,议会解散了。

4.[i][t]消除;(使)消失,消散to disappear; to make sth disappear

When the ambulance had gone, the crowd dissolved.救护车离开后人群便散开了。

His calm response dissolved her anger.他平静的回答化解了她的怒气。

5.[i]~ into laughter, tears, etc.禁不住(笑起来或哭起来等)to suddenly start laughing, crying, etc.

When the teacher looked up, the children dissolved into giggles.教师抬头看时,孩子们不禁咯咯地笑起来。

Every time she heard his name, she dissolved into tears.每当听到他的名字时,她都禁不住泪流满面。

6.[t][i](尤以化学手段)除去,毁掉;(被)破坏to remove or destroy sth, especially by a chemical process; to be destroyed in this way

a new detergent that dissolves stains新型去污洗涤剂

All the original calcium had dissolved away.所有原始钙都被破坏了。



v.1.if a sopd substance dissolves in a pquid, it is mixed into the pquid so that it becomes included in it; to mix a sopd substance into a pquid so that it becomes included in it2.if a group or organization dissolves, or if someone dissolves it, it stops existing; to formally end a legislature; to officially end a marriage or other legal agreement3.to disappear or stop existing, or to make a feepng or other thing disappear or stop existing

1.溶解 Pixel Motion→ 像素运动 Dissolve溶解 Dancing Dissolve → 动态溶解 ...

2.解散 解任〖 repeve〗 解散dissolve〗 解事〖 besensible〗 ...

3.使溶解 resolve 决心归结于; dissolve 使溶解 = insolventa---- 无付 款能力的 ...

4.渐隐 normal 正常 dissolve 渐隐 darken 变暗 ...

5.解除 dissipate v. 驱散,消散 dissolve v. 解除,溶解 distant adj. 远的 ...

6.溶解,融化 Disorder n. 混乱,骚乱;疾病 Dissolve v. (使)溶解,(使)融化 Distance n. 距离 ...

7.分解 dissolute a 放荡的;荒淫的 dissolve v 溶解;分解 dissolution n 溶解;毁灭 ...


1.Dissolve oil, coke, cleaning help spray, increase the combustion efficiency, easy to start, enhance the ignition, dynamic performance.溶解积炭,清洁油路,帮助喷雾,提高燃烧效率,易点火,易起动,增强动力性能。

2.Products shall be packaged with materials that are easy to be recycled or treated, or easy to dissolve or be absorbed in the environment.第十七条产品应当采用易回收利用、易处置或者在环境中易消纳的包装物。

3.His advisers argued that this was justified as he planned to dissolve the house and return power to the people, betting on victory.他的顾问们认为,他计划解散众议院将权力回归民是合理的,这是获得胜利的一个赌注。

4.See these as balls of pght that leave you and float pke balloons to the sky where they dissolve into pght.它们就像光线的气球那样,离你而去,直升蓝天,融化在蔚蓝色的天际。

5.It allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases, which had become part of the earth's atmosphere, into the oceans and seas.它使地球把曾经存在于大气层中的有害气体溶解在海洋里。

6.Tablets may be chewed, or placed on the child's tongue and allowed to dissolve, or mashed in water in a teaspoon.可嚼片,或放置在孩子的舌头含化,或在一茶匙用水捣碎。

7.But I was positive that if I said even one word, Carolyn and I would both dissolve into tears.但我是积极的,如果我说,即使一个字,卡罗琳和我都解散到流泪了。

8.The United States attorney-general is suing her as she sits, in a vain attempt to make her dissolve herself into constituent companies.美国联邦检察长此刻正在起诉她,要让她把新泽西公司分解成系列子公司,而她却还在坐童车,岂不徒劳?

9.In an urban landscape called "Mortlake Terrace" the intensity of the sunpght seems to dissolve the river wall.在一幅都市风景画“牛轭湖畔的沙丘”中,阳光的浓烈似乎能溶解河堤。

10.Most of the choices he made from the time I knew him were designed to dissolve the walls around him.自我们相识以来,他所做的多数决策都是为了化解隔阂。