




1.大闹天宫 汉语拼音 Chinese Phonics Pinyin Song... 西游记大闹天宫 Havoc In Heaven -... 哪吒闹海 Nezha vs Dragon Kings -... ...

3.大闹天空 22.Monkey King 猴王 23.Havoc in Heaven 大闹天空 24. fly into 飞入 ...

4.英文名 ... 采样率 : 48.0 KHz 英文名: Havoc in Heaven 资源格式: DVDRip ...


1.Havoc in Heaven, it tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven.叫做《大闹天宫》,它讲述了一个猴子领导一群猴子违反天庭中玉皇大帝的规定。

2."Havoc in heaven" has become a common expression used by a parent of a boss when they return to the house of office and see a mess.“大闹天宫”变成了俗语——当家长看到家中乱七八糟,老板看到办公室乌烟瘴气。

3.The Great Sage caused havoc in Heaven and the Jade Emperor ordered Heavenly soldiers and generals to punish him.大圣大闹天宫,并造成了天上的玉皇大帝下令士兵和将军,以惩罚他。

4."Havoc in Heaven" has become a common expression used by a parent or a boss when they return to the house or office and see a mess.“大闹天宫”已经成为了描述父母或老板返回家中或办公室时看到一团遭时的一种常用表达方式。

5.After the havoc in heaven monkey king is captured and sealed in a magic furnace.大闹天宫后,孙悟空遭擒拿被打入八卦炉冶炼。

6.There is the Monkey King, although the abipty to Havoc in Heaven, and heroic, but the Goddess of Mercy is also very respectable.还有孙悟空,虽然有大闹天宫的本领和豪气,但对观音菩萨却也十分尊敬。

7."Making havoc in Heaven" is a typical miptary play.《大闹天宫》是一部典型的武戏。