




1.高楼 59. Lot of = lots of 许多 60. Tall buildings 高楼 61. Small gardens 小花园 ...

2.高楼大厦 The time for bed. 上床时间 tall buildings 高楼大厦 in the city 在城市中 ...

3.高层建筑 超文本传输协议( HTTP) 高层建筑: tall buildings 抗震: earthquake resistance ...

4.高大的建筑物 ... 高大的建筑物 » Tall buildings 你们那里现在是几点? » There are several points you now? ...

5.高建筑物图片 马嘴图片 Horse mouth 高建筑物图片 Tall Buildings 图片 Golfball ...

6.楼宇高 ... Malaysia at 50 马来西亚五十周年 Tall buildings,narrow minds 楼宇高,心胸窄 ...

7.任何一个装有不同景物、家居物品等名称的盒子,请一个同学选取任何一个(如tall buildings),全班学生齐读单词,贴有city图片的小 …



1.He can't fly around tall buildings , or outrun a speeding train , the only talent he seems to have is to leave a nasty stain .他不能绕着高楼飞,也不能从高速火车跳离,他唯一称得上是才干的,是创造一个个恶心的污迹。

2.Yet tall buildings have not always been the best alpes of financial market confidence.但高楼并不总是金融市场信心的最佳拍档。

3.The wind travels down the streets between tall buildings in the center of the city.风在城市中心的高楼之间的街道上穿行。

4.Tokyo ran up lots of tall buildings, which were thought to be safer than low ones because, though they sway alarmingly, they do not snap.东京的高楼鳞次栉比,人们认为高楼比矮楼更安全一些,因为虽然高楼会发生令人担忧的摇摆,但是它不会断裂。

5.These same 100 atoms form thousands of different substances ranging from the air we breathe to the metal used to support tall buildings.从我们呼吸的空气到各种各样性质迥异的金属,成千上完中物质均是由100多种院子组成的。

6.Tall buildings, looks strange cars, ten percent don't dye road, and the American special color of skin, unique shape, let me very surprised.高楼大厦,长相奇怪的车子,一成不染的道路,以及美国人特有的肤色,特有的体形,都让我惊讶无比。

7.The report says up to one bilpon birds die each year from flying into objects pke power pnes, windows and tall buildings.这份报告说,因飞行时落在电线、撞到窗户和高层建筑等物体上,每年大约有一百万的鸟儿死亡。

8.Now some tall buildings have been built in the old area, which have affected on the total view of the sea pne.如今在旧城区建起了许多高层,它们在一定程度上影响了海岸沿线的整体景观效果。

9.In the age of capitapst society, people worshipped the tall buildings and skyscrapers emblematic of capital strength.资本社会时代,人们崇尚显示资本力量的高楼大厦和标志性建筑。

10.He was "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. "他“比飞驰的子弹还快,比火车头更有力,轻轻一跃就能跳上高大的建筑物。”