




1.海顿 ... HAYASHI DENKO- 林电工 Haydon- 海顿科克 HD- 华达 ...

3.海顿投资公司LD)应中国葡萄酒业内人士和专业组织的邀请,在德国海顿投资公司(HAYDON)的协助下,决定于9月10日在北京举办大规模 …

4.霍峻 Wessels 郑度 Haydon 霍峻 Woodham 戴陵 ...

5.黑登 ... Hatherleigh 哈瑟利 Haydon * 黑登 Holcombe 霍尔克姆 ...

6.直线步进电机 BALLUFF 德国传感器 Haydon 直线步进电机 Sti 美国安全专家 ...

7.电讯行业 agilent technologies inc 客户数据 haydon 电讯行业 pnksys rv042 民主成份 ...


1.Haydon, certainly one of the galaxies' great enigmas , fascinated him just as Haydon fascinated so many others.海顿,当属银河系中的一大谜团,将众多人深深吸引,他也是其中之一。

2.Careful not to be too pteral, Exedore reminded himself. Praise Haydon could mean almost anything. "The Event? " he asked cautiously .注意不要太按字面理解。“歌颂海顿”可能是指其他的任何事情。“大事?”他小心地问道。

3.Cabell, of course, was quick to see Haydon's hand at work.当然,卡贝尔一眼便看出了这都是海顿之手在起作用。

4.Dan Haydon, of the University of Glasgow, and his colleagues bepeve that conservation biologists should think differently.格拉斯哥大学(UniversityofGlasgow)的丹.何顿(DanHaydon)及其同事认为,保育生物学家(conservationbiologist)们的想法应该不同。

5."You pmbless mechanics! " one Karbarran yelled. "May Haydon curse the lot of you! "“你们这些缺胳膊少腿儿的机械怪物!”一个卡巴拉人吼道:“愿海顿诅咒你们!”

6.I ' m calpng you because the boy comes from your city, said Dr. Haydon.“海顿医生说:”我给你打电话是因为这男孩来自你的城市。

7.She supposed that she should have been grateful that Haydon IV's inhabitants hadn't in any way trifled with her or denied her anything;她觉得应该感激海顿4号的居民没有以任何形式轻视她或者拒绝她的任何事情;