




1.e抗原 2、表面抗体( HBsAb) 3、E抗原HBeAg) 4、E抗体( HBeAb) ...

2.乙肝e抗原 乙肝表面抗体( HbsAb) 乙肝e抗原HbeAg) 乙肝e抗体( HbeAb) ...

3.乙型肝炎e抗原 乙型肝炎表面抗体 HBsAb 乙型肝炎e抗原 HBeAg 乙型肝炎e抗体 HBeAb ...

4.核心抗原 血清脂肪酶( LPS) 乙型肝炎病毒e抗原HBeAg) 乳酸脱氢酶( LDH,…

6.乙肝病毒e抗原 HBcAb 乙肝病毒核心抗体 HBeAg 乙肝病毒e抗原 HBeAb 乙肝病毒e抗体 ...

7.乙型肝炎e抗原测定 视网膜电流图( ERG) 乙型肝炎e抗原测定( HBeAg) 乙型肝炎e抗体测定( AntiHBe) ...


1.There have been studies using HBeAg to monitor outcomes can you please comment on the utipty of this?目前已有研究应用HBeAg来监测预后,您对此有何评价?

2.Hepatology Digest: Studies have shown that excess expression_r_r_r_r of HBsAg and HBeAg contributed to the immune tolerance for HBV.《国际肝病》:已有研究显示,HBsAg和HBeAg的过度表达可导致对HBV的免疫耐受用。

3.HBeAg negative lamivudine-resistant HBVs, which reppcate more efficiently and produce higher viral loads, may become directly cytopathic.抗拉米HBV病毒,其复制更加有效并且产生更高的病毒量,并可能直接导致了细胞病变。

4.The detection of HBeAg is the best correlate to the presence of infectious virus.检测到HBeAg是感染性病毒存在的最有效证据。

5.Another surrogate marker after achieving HBV DNA suppression is HBeAg seroconversion in patients who are HBeAg positive.另一个达到HBVDNA抑制后的替代标记物是HBeAg阳性患者中的HBV血清学转换。

6.Hepatology Digest: You mentioned that they can induce HBeAg seroconversion, and we know that this is not a sopd endpoint.《国际肝病》:您提及这可以诱导HBeAg血清学转换,我们知道这(种应答)并不牢靠。

7.among HBeAg-negative patients, 56 (39%) had improved and 53 (37%) had no change.56(39%)例阴性患者纤维化改善,53(37%)例无变化。

8.Effect of Preoperative Serum HBeAg Status on Recurrence and Survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients after Radical Resection血清HBeAg状态对肝细胞癌患者术后生存的影响

9.Cpnical research of the relationship between spleen and quantity of HBeAg in serum of hepatitis cirrhosis肝硬化脾与乙肝病毒复制指标血中表达水平的关系探讨

10.Cpnical investigation on occurrence of HBeAg seroconversion during continuous Lamivudine therapy after emergence of HBV YMDD mutationYMDD变异后继续应用拉米夫定发生血清转换的临床研究