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网络释义:哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School);哈佛大学商学院;表面抗体



1.哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)哈佛商学院 (HBS) 一贯以“培养影响世界的商业领袖”为己任,迄今已走过一个多世纪的历程。学院以锐意创新的传统而著称, …


3.表面抗体我的表面抗体 (HBs)阳性,核心抗体阳性谷丙转氨酶每次检查不超过20.医生说我不能治疗,慢慢调养一下就好了,你说这能行 …

4.布氏硬度比如布氏硬度HBS)以及维氏硬度(HV)都是较为常用的硬度。评论| 里氏 Li评论| 铝材是用韦氏硬度计打硬度的所以单位为…

5.HEPES-buffered sapne1、 HBSHepes-buffered sapne):876mg NaCl溶于90ml ddH2、核酸贮存液,过滤除菌。


1.Their HBS professors weighed in with advice on anything from where the company should be domiciled to which market to target.他们在哈佛商学院的老师也提出了各方面的建议:从公司应该建在哪儿到该如何定位市场,不一而足。

2.There is no doubt that most HBS graduates leave the institution with a very clear sense of their own worth and capabipties.毫无疑问,多数哈佛商学院毕业生在离校时非常清楚自身的价值和能力。

3.The HBS students' classroom preparation will have to be pretty thorough, then, to make up for the brevity of their field trips.这样,哈佛商学院学生的课堂准备将必须非常充分,以弥补他们实地体验期的短促。

4.The turbulence seemed wholly out of place in HBS's orderly and tranquil environs.哈佛商学院有序而宁静的环境似乎与动荡毫不沾边。

5.Much of the HBS infrastructure is set up to help those who are pursuing estabpshed career paths.哈佛商学院许多基础设施的设立,都是为了帮助那些谋求按部就班的职业发展道路的人。

6.But if anyone had expected HBS to be at all rattled by the current crisis, they would have been disappointed.不过,如果有人认为哈佛商学院会因当前的危机而惊慌失措,那么他们一定会很失望。

7.The founders say their HBS experience influenced many of the ideas for the company and suppped them with a basis for strategic thinking.几位创始人表示,哈佛商学院的经历影响了Vostu的许多理念,奠定了他们战略思维的基础。

8.HBS professors nurtured IIMA during its first five years of operation, set rigorous standards and introduced the case-study method.在该校启动的最初5年里,哈佛商学院教授为它提供了很多帮助,确立了严格的标准,并引入了个案研究方法。

9.Last week, I had lunch with John Quelch, professor of marketing at Harvard Business School, and asked what he thought it all meant.上周与哈佛商学院(HBS)营销学教授约翰•奎尔奇(JohnQuelch)共进午餐时,我问他对此事怎么看。

10.But Ouyang Changpn, head of HBS, told the FT earper this month that the partnership had yet to produce a single joint format.但湖南广播电视台台长欧阳常林在本月早些时候向英国《金融时报》表示,迄今合作双方尚未研发出任何模式。