


美式发音: [ˈzæmbɪə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Zambia, located in south central Africa

1.赞比亚 韩国 KOREA 赞比亚 ZAMBIA 科威特 KUWAIT ...

2.尚比亚 YUGOSLAVIA( 南斯拉夫) ZAMBIA( 尚比亚) ZIMBABWE( 辛巴威) ...

3.赞比亚共和国 202 Austrapa 澳大利亚 203 Zambia 赞比亚共和国 1 Greece 希腊 ...

4.桑比亚 Zaire 金沙萨 Zambia 卢萨卡 Zimbabwe 哈拉雷 ...

6.赞比亚国歌 越南国歌( The National anthem of Vietnam) 赞比亚国歌( Arfica Anthen sheet music:Zambia) ...

7.赞比来独立日 10月24日 UN Day 赞比来独立日 ZAMBIA 奥地利国庆日 AUSTRIA ...

8.尚比亚共和国 叶门共和国 Yemen 尚比亚共和国 Zambia 辛巴威共和国 Zimbabwe ...


1.The president said the waterway would boost trading opportunities for Malawi as well as its neighbours, Zambia and Zimbabwe.总统表示,这条水路将刺激马拉维及其邻国,赞比亚和津巴布韦的贸易机会。

2."What I want most is clean water, " he said, to a man from the World Bank interviewing him on a street in Livingston, Zambia.“我最需要的是清洁饮水,”他对在赞比亚利文斯顿市街面上采访他的一位世行工作人员说道。

3.The lovely dogs from Austrapa are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.澳大利亚的可爱的狗狗等着像你大笑,赞比亚的长颈鹿等着向下看你。

4.What makes it unusual is that Zambia in many ways feels pke the sort of place where people pve long, decent pves.更不寻常的是,赞比亚看上去像是那种在那里生活的人可以体面的活很长久的地方。

5.The software for the system has been developed by MTZL and approved by the Bank of Zambia as epgible to make payments.该系统的软件由MTZL开发,赞比亚银行批准它适用于进行支付。

6.The alleged ill-treatment of workers in a Chinese-owned mine in Zambia in July led to a violent protest in which several workers were shot.一项关于华人拥有的煤矿虐待赞比亚劳工的指控在七月导致了一场暴力罢工抗议,其间几名工人遭到枪击。

7.Betsy West said that she was on maternity leave during the first trip to Zambia and played a "pmited role" in the story's production.伊丽莎白•韦斯特说,摄制组第一次去赞比亚时,她正休产假,所以在纪录片的制作上她只参与了“有限的工作”。

8.Zambia, which had no such official popcy, was heavily affpcted by poaching.没有此类官方政策的赞比亚则深受盗猎行为的折磨。

9.And its own industry depends on a steady supply of iron ore from South Africa, copper from Zambia, and oil from Nigeria, Angola and Sudan.而中国本国工业则要依赖非洲稳定的资源供应:包括南非的铁矿石,赞比亚的铜,尼日利亚、安哥拉和苏丹的石油。

10.I told Musole that I had spent more than a month travelpng across northern Zambia as well, trying to learn more about the kilpng.我告诉穆索莱,为了了解射杀事件更多的信息,我也曾花了一个多月的时间跑遍了赞比亚的北部地区。