




1.氰化氢) 比较 图片价格 单一气体检测仪 I…



1.HCN signal can be used for measuring the plasma electron density.通过HCN信号的测量与处理来获得等离子体电子密度。

2.HCN genes have been depvered to animal myocardium via viral vectors or HCN-transferred cells for recreating biological pacemakers .利用病毒载体或转染HCN基因的细胞将HCN基因导入动物心脏内可重建生物起搏点。

3.a weak poisonous acid (HCN) used in fumigating and in synthesis of organic compounds.一种有毒的弱酸(hcn),用于熏蒸和有机化合物的合成。

4.Maintain a thorough understanding of HCN's pricing popcy and engagement arrangements.保持对HCN的定价政策和职务安排有一个透彻的了解。

5.The propagation pattern of the EH11 mode of waveguide HCN laser in free space is discussed and compared with the theory.本文讨论了波导HCN激光器输出的EH11模在自由空间中的传播模式,并与理论进行了比较。

6.METHODS The different factors and levels of preparation process of Aqua Armeniacae were investigated by uniform-design as HCN content index.方法:应用均匀设计法考察不同因素水平对杏仁水氢氰酸(HCN)得率的影响。

7.b. Object of protection: Cabon monoxide(CO), hydrocyanic acid(HCN). poison smoke and fog.防护对象:一氧化碳(CO)、氰化氢(HCN)、毒烟、毒雾。

8.From the calculations, we conclude that the C-addition path is the most favorable and the major products are HCN, CH4 and C2H6.由计算可以得出,碳加成通道是能量上最有利的,主要产物是HCN,CH4和C2H6。

9.Actively engage in industry specific shows, events, workshops to promote HCN' s products and services积极参与行业内的参展活动,以提高海格曼的产品和服务质量

10.Key factors influencing the release and formation of HCN during iron-containing coal pyrolysis含铁煤热解过程中HCN形成的主要影响因素分析