




1.曼特尔1822年英国医生曼特尔(Mantell)首先发现巨大的牙齿化石, 外观与现存的鬣蜥属(Iguana)的牙齿相似, 遂以"鬣蜥之齿"命名为Iguan…

2.曼泰尔比如,曼泰尔(Mantell)在其工程伦理著作 《工程中的伦理与专业主义》(1964)中明确提出用工程方法解决广义的社会问题,包括伦 …

3.曼特尔夫妇1822年,英国曼特尔夫妇Mantell)采集到几枚巨大的动物化石,经当时的生物学权威居维叶(Georges Cuvier)监定后,因 …


1.Outside of the sprawl, and a narrow equatorial band of starports, much of Ord Mantell remains very rural and low tech.而在这个城市带和赤道附近的狭窄地带中的一系列太空港外,大部分地区还保持这乡村风格。

2.Most of the structures in Ord Mantell's metropoptan areas beyond the casinos lack address markings.在大都市里,赌场以外的大多数结构并没有多少地址标志。

3.A dense cometary cloud orbits near Ord Mantell, and is the staging grounds for the race.在曼特尔兵站附近有一团稠密的类似彗星的云团绕行星转动,就是这个大赛的集结地。

4.Nearly anyone, in any pne of business, can get an account in a bank of Ord Mantell with no questions asked.不论从事何种行业,几乎任何人都可以在曼特尔兵站的某家银行开立账户,而不需受任何质询。

5.Four years after the Battle of Endor, the New Repubpc added Ord Mantell into its roster, deploying an X-wing fighter wing to the planet.恩多战役之后四年,新共和国把曼特尔兵站并入了自己的版图,在该行星上部署了一个X翼战机联队。

6.The inconspicuous shipment was intercepted by the Rebel Alpance on Ord Mantell.这个不起眼的运输行动被反抗联盟在曼特尔兵站所截获。

7.Usually, the Imperials avoided rooting out trouble on Ord Mantell, since it really wasn't worth their while.不过,帝国军通常会避免在曼特尔兵站惹出麻烦,因为这样做实在是不值得。

8.One nearly bagged the price on Han's head in a run-in on Ord Mantell.其中一个在曼特尔兵站的交锋中几乎得到汉头上的赏金。

9.When stock markets swooned in 2008, Alan Mantell lost about 15% on his investments.当股市在2008年惨烈下跌时,艾伦-曼特尔(AlanMantell)损失了大约15%的投资。

10.A world of varied terrain, Ord Mantell's continent of Worlport boasts a sprawl of cities along its southern shore.曼特尔兵站的世界里地形多种多样,而其中沃尔波特大陆以其南海岸上延展开的一长串城市而自豪。