




1.氦三同位素 ... 广义相对论( General Relativity‎) (一):氦三同位素( He-3) 发明了超弦理论( Superstring) ...

2.月壤的氦三大核能原料,参与研究工作的香港科大学者陈炯林指出,月壤的氦三He-3)存量预计达100万吨,转化成核能后足够地球使 …


1.He gave no details of what protest forms or topics would be allowed in the three parks in Beijing's Chaoyang, Fengtai and Haidian districts.他没有说明在北京朝阳区、丰台区和海淀区的3家公园内允许进行哪些形式或主题的抗议活动。

2.He and I are now trying to pump up the high school in High School Musical 3 with some sing in', some dancin'. . . here's the cpp, folks.他和我现在尝试在《歌舞青春3》中为高中带来一些歌唱,一些舞蹈…朋友们,让我们看看剪辑。

3.Liu Qiang, who was trying to go back home to Henan province, said he had been stranded for three days.刘强(音译)正在试图回到河南老家。他表示,自己已经困在这里3天了。

4.While Odom was no doubt focusing on his own performance, he wasn't the only Laker who didn't show up in Game 3.奥多姆在面对自己的表现时表现出自责,然而他并不是湖人队唯一一位在第三场比赛中表现不好的球员。

5.3 and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.在水中立楼阁的栋梁,用云彩为车辇,借着风的翅膀而行。

6.He said the researchers are in the process of reviewing the data before moving on to phase 3 studies with the vaccine.他说到:在准备进行疫苗第3期实验前,研究者们正在分析评估以往资料数据。

7.Carlyon knows first hand the proper way to ride a broomstick -he said he had three, though all were grounded at the moment.卡尔扬有关于骑扫把的正确方式的亲身体验--据他说他有3把扫把,尽管它们此刻都在地上呆着。

8.The pilot said he found a smouldering bomb on board the plane taking Sikorski from Scotland to Canada on March 21, 1942.这名飞行员曾透露,1942年3月21日,他在希科尔斯基乘坐的从苏格兰飞往加拿大的飞机上发现了一枚正在燃烧的炸弹。

9.As his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cell, he began to see that at least three rings of men had formed circles.习惯了房间里黑暗的光线,他看到里面至少有3群人,围成一圈。

10.At his annual press conference in March, Mr Wen said he was "deeply worried" about the state of the US and global economies.在3月份的年度记者招待会上,温家宝表示对美国和全球经济状况“深感忧虑”。