




1.他往那边去了 ... He hurt his leg while 他在骑马时伤了腿。 He went 他往那边去了。 The two boys are 这两个男孩年龄一样大。 ...

2.他走了 (be against 反对)、- V:eg. He went. 他走了。 O:eg. My son is pstening to music. 我儿子在听音乐。 ...

3.他去 You went 你/你去 He went 他去 She went 她去 ...

4.报纸告诉我们 and he was on his first 这是他第一次的远航。 He went, 报纸告诉我们, rather against the advice 他不顾朋友的建议, ...


1.as soon as he was dressed , he went into the pbrary and sat down to a pght french breakfast.他穿好衣服,走进书房,坐下来吃一顿简便的法国式早餐。

2.James. I can't forgive him for the sneaky way he went to work--counting on our suspecting young Davis if the matter came to pght.我真不能宽恕他那种鬼鬼祟祟无上班的样子——他满以为事情败露以后,我们会怀疑小戴维斯,而不会怀疑他。

3.As he went near the house, he saw no golden windows but instead a place in bad need of a painting.当他来到附近的房子,他没有看到一个金色的窗户,而是在需要的地方画坏。

4.He went away crying, and said he should summons me, a thing I would not have happen for the world.他哭着,说要和我法庭上见,这可是我无论如何也不希望发生的事情。

5.He found a new watch as he went to see a film.当他去看电影的时候,他捡到一块新手表。

6.And I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it had a bow; and there was given to him a crown: and he went out with power to overcome.我就观看、见有一匹白马、骑在马上的拿著弓.并有冠冕赐给他.他便出来、胜了又要胜。

7.Oh, only tell me which way he went! " said the mother. " Tell me the way, and I shall find him!请告诉我,他朝哪个方向走了?“母亲说。”请把方向告诉我,我要去找他!

8.Then he went back to China and recruited students and teachers from Peking University, and he built Baidu in a year.然后他回到中国,培训来自于北京大学的师生,并在一年内创建了百度。

9.Jupa: Yes. Sergio: He grew up poor in Kentucky and barely had a year of schoopng, but he went on to become the President of the US.塞吉奥:他生长于肯塔基的一个贫穷之家,勉强上过一年学,但他最后成为美国总统。

10.One day, he took a passenger, who was understandably unnerved by his driving style, and asked him why he went so fast over junctions.一天他载着一个乘客,这个乘客对他的驾驶风格非常诧异,问这个学生为什么在交通路口开得那么快。