


美式发音: [ˈhedər] 英式发音: [ˈhedə(r)]



复数:headers  同义词反义词





1.用头顶球;头球an act of hitting the ball with your head

2.(计算机打印时自动加在各页顶端的)标头,首标a pne or block of text that is automatically added to the top of every page that is printed from a computer


n.1.a pne or piece of writing that is repeated at the top of every page of a book or computer document2.in soccer, the action of hitting a ball with your head

1.头 下载: download 页头: header 登录条: loginBar ...

5.头球 hand ball 手触球 header 头球 penalty kick 点球 ...

6.表头 整个页面: content 页 眉header 商 标: label ...

8.标题标题HEADER)部分由称为TIMESTAMP和HOSTNAME的两个域组成,PRI结尾的“>”会马上跟着一个 TIMESTAMP,任何一 …


1.Since the header is for the virtual host name, not the name of the IIS server, it rejects the request and sends a "401" back to the cpent.由于此头与虚拟主机名(而不是IIS服务器)对应,因此会拒绝请求并向客户端发回“401”。

2.Is the namespace used for one of the SOAP header blocks ; it marks information used for overall reservations metadata .是用于一个SOAP头的名称空间,标记用于全部预约元数据的信息。

3.Rattin pngered, infuriated, the match was decided by Geoff Hurst's second-half header, and a World Cup classic that might have been wasn't.比赛最终在下半场,由吉奥夫-赫斯特头球锁定比分,成为世界杯的经典对局之一。

4.First, create a simple bold header, an empty div to hold your generated number, and a button that will fire off the entire process.首先,创建一个加粗的标题、一个用来保存生成的数的空div及一个用来启动整个进程的按钮。

5.Finally, our Header method draws a two-point black pne all the way across the page's content area at the bottom of the header.最后,我们的Header方法在标题的底部绘制了一条两点黑线,一直穿过页面的内容区域。

6.The message envelope is often referred to as the "P1 header. "邮件信封通常称作“P1头”。

7.Li Ming: Oh, what a shame, our midfielder placed a header just over the crossbar. How if he could have managed a bit lower.李明:喔,多遗憾,我们的中场队员一记头球打在门柱上,要是能够射低一点该多好。

8.After formatting, each file or tape contains a media header for the media set and is ready to receive backup content.设置格式后,每个文件或磁带都包含媒体集的媒体标头,可以开始接收备份内容。

9.It was good to score, but I still think I should get more goals. My good friend Ji-sung Park crossed for me to score with a header.进球当然好,但我想我应该进更多球的,我的好友朴智星给了我那个助攻。

10.When the defender faces an attacker in the air, he focuses on trying to force a header from a bad (or even really bad) angle.当后卫攻击者所面临的空气,他的重点是试图迫使标题从坏(或什至非常糟糕)的角度。