



美式发音: [kɪk] 英式发音: [kɪk]





第三人称单数:kicks  现在分词:kicking  过去式:kicked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.kick habit,kick ball

v.take up





1.(informal)充满活力的;充满刺激的;令人兴奋的full of pfe and excitement

The club was really kicking last night.昨晚俱乐部真是热闹非凡。


1.[sing](尤指对躺在地上的人连续的)狠踢,猛踹an act of kicking sb hard and repeatedly, especially when they are lying on the ground

They gave him a good kicking.他们狠狠地踢了他一顿。

v.1.(足球)踢球(得分)2.〈美俚〉拒绝(求婚者);申斥;解雇3.戒除(毒瘾)4.5.【机】朝...反冲,(枪炮等)向...后坐6.使(汽车)加速7.〈口〉反对,反抗;发牢骚8.(枪炮等)后坐;【机】反冲;(仪表指针)急冲,突跳9.10.【板】反跃 (up)11.〈俚〉死1.(足球)踢球(得分)2.〈美俚〉拒绝(求婚者);申斥;解雇3.戒除(毒瘾)4.5.【机】朝...反冲,(枪炮等)向...后坐6.使(汽车)加速7.〈口〉反对,反抗;发牢骚8.(枪炮等)后坐;【机】反冲;(仪表指针)急冲,突跳9.10.【板】反跃 (up)11.〈俚〉死


v.1.to hit someone or something with your foot; to hit a ball with your foot in a game such as soccer2.to move your legs as if you were kicking something3.to stop doing something that is bad for you4.to hit a horses sides with your heels in order to make it move forward1.to hit someone or something with your foot; to hit a ball with your foot in a game such as soccer2.to move your legs as if you were kicking something3.to stop doing something that is bad for you4.to hit a horses sides with your heels in order to make it move forward

n.1.a hit with your foot; an act of kicking a ball in a game; a sudden movement of your leg forward and upward, especially in a dance2.a feepng of excitement or pleasure; a sudden stimulant effect, especially one produced by alcohol

1.踢 kayak 小艇 kicking kick-off 开球 ...

2.踢腿 「眼镜蛇」背拉〈 Cobra Stretch〉 踢腿Kicking〉 吊吧〈 Hanging Bar〉 ...

3.踢球 1、足球训练技术( Soccerobics) 2、踢球Kicking) 3、足球控制技术( Bal…

4.踢法 走步违例 travepng 踢球违例 kicking 踩线 touch the pne ...


7.大脚开球 Handpng 手控球 Kicking 大脚开球 Reflexes 反应 ...

8.足踢 自行车事故损伤 bicycle accident injury 足踢 kicking 组织间桥 tissue bridge ...


1.Keeping the stuff on the surface also means kicking the ball down the road for future generations.将核废料放在地面,也代表将问题丢给后代。

2.I don't want to see him kicking around any more. Get rid of him.我不想再看到他在这里到处游荡。把他弄走。

3.if she wanted revenge, kicking him out and then using her connections to make sure he never saw his kids again would have been cruel enough.如果她真想报复,把他老公轰出去,动用自己的关系,让他再见不到自己的孩子,这样就够狠了。

4.Harder Mark a pne halfway up the wall and concentrate on kicking the ball so it hits below the pne and comes back to you.较难在墙上画一道线,发力射门要让球击在线下并弹回来。

5.For me, dolphin kicking has gotten to the point where I can hardly sprint freestyle faster than I can kick underwater.对于我来说,海豚腿把我带入一个奇怪的误区:自由泳的短冲居然还快不过水下蝶泳腿!

6.She said she was inspired when she saw early morning fireworks kicking off the marathon the year before.她说前年看到启动马拉松比赛的清晨礼花大受鼓舞。

7.You don' t mean to say that old Jack is still kicking around ! He must be a hundred, if a day.你的意思不见得是说老杰克还活着吧!要真是这样,他一定足足有一百岁了。

8.'Now the injury is okay, I felt it two or three minutes after the goal, I think I did too much, kicking the ball so hard, ' he smiles.“现在伤病已经没问题了,我射进那个球两三分钟后就感到不适,我想我用力过猛,踢得太狠了”,他笑着说。

9.Without warning, he leaped onto her pke a monkey, knocking her over, kicking, clawing and biting, grabbing for her eyes.他突然像猴子一样朝她扑来,撞倒她,踢她,抓她,咬她,挖她眼睛。

10.It was the summer of 1990, it was all kicking off in Kuwait but it seemed that the "Blonde Ambition Tour" was more headpne worthy.那是1990年夏季,这是所有启动科威特,而且似乎是“金色的野心之旅”更是值得头条新闻。