


美式发音: [ˈhɛdˈfɜrst] 英式发音: ['hedf'ɜ:st]





adv.1.with your head in such a position that it hits something before the rest of your body

1.头向前地 feetfirst 脚先着地 headfirst 头向前地 airstrip 飞机跑道 ...

2.不顾前后地 ... headdress n. 饰头巾,头发编梳的式样 headfirst adv. 头向前地,不顾前后地 headgear n. 头饰,帽子 ...

3.头朝前 )upside-down 颠倒 )headfirst 头朝前 )whole-heartedly 全心全意地 ...

4.鲁莽地 jump in headfirst: 鲁莽地跳进 Headfirst: 仓促地; 鲁莽地 jump in: 跳进 ...

5.头朝前式 jump in headfirst: 鲁莽地跳进 Headfirst: 仓促地; 鲁莽地 jump in: 跳进 ...


1.One hero dives headfirst into a group of soldiers unarmed, seizes a spear in mid-trajectory and kills the enemy with it.一个英雄赤手空拳的冲入一群士兵中,夺下一个长矛并用它杀敌人。

2.i love how the guy somehow ends right back up where the incident happened and somehow crashes headfirst into a truck.这个家伙不知为什么又返回了事故的发生地,也不知为什么撞上一辆卡车这一段太有爱了。

3.His coach is angry, his parents are disappointed, and he's diving headfirst into a downward spiral.他的教练是愤怒,他的父母感到失望,他的走下坡路潜水头向前。

4.A computer scientist at UCLA poses by a projected computer image of a skeleton diving headfirst down a staircase at his office.加州大学洛杉矶分校一名计算机科学家站在办公室里的一个计算机动画投影旁,画面中一副骷髅沿着楼梯朝下俯冲。

5.Less than ten minutes after the ambulance arrived, technicians spd Zanes Cypress headfirst into the opening of a CAT scanner.在救护车到达后不到十分钟的时间里,技师们径直将赞恩斯•塞浦瑞斯推入了造影扫描仪的入口。

6.she didn't even stop to say sorry as she knocked Professor Quirrell headfirst into the row in front.她撞得奇洛教授一头摔向前排的座位,都没有停下来说一声对不起。

7.HeadFirst : That doesn't sound so bad. You're still a great pattern, and improving this is just a matter of pubpc education, right?那东西听起来没那么糟。你仍然是个了不起的模式,要改变这一情况那只是公众教育的事,不是你的责任,对吗?

8.And summoning all his strength, he threw himself into the air, headfirst.然后集聚了自己所有的力气,把身体抛向空中,当然,是头朝上的。

9.With its wry reporting and visual panache, Wired offers a headfirst dive into the tech world.依靠其嘲讽的报道风格和绚丽的视觉效果,《连线》杂志绝对可以让你一头扎进科技世界。

10.The boy's upper arm bones show fractures typical of a headfirst fall from a great height.那个男孩的上部肩胛骨呈现出的骨折是典型的从高处头部先着地的结果。