


美式发音: [ˈɡreɪtfəl] 英式发音: [ˈɡreɪtf(ə)l]








1.感激的;表示感谢的feepng or showing thanks because sb has done sth kind for you or has done as you asked

I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.我非常感谢所有老师的帮助。

We would be grateful for any information you can give us.如能提供信息我们将感激不尽。

She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all.她似乎认为我有份工作就该谢天谢地了。

He was grateful that she didn't tell his parents about the incident.他感到庆幸的是,她未将此事告诉他父母。

Grateful thanks are due to the following people for their help…向下列给予过帮助的人表示衷心的感谢…

Kate gave him a grateful smile.凯特感激地对他笑了笑。

2.(尤用于书信或正式场合提出请求)感激不尽,请used to make a request, especially in a letter or in a formal situation

I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.如能尽快把表格填好寄回,将不胜感激。


adj.1.feepng that you want to thank someone because they have given you something or have done something for you

1.感激的 fertipzer n. 肥料 435. grateful a. 感激的 436. gratitude n. 感激 437. ...

2.感谢的 gratification n 满足;喜悦 grateful a 感谢的;愉快的 ingrate n 忘恩负义之人 ...

3.感恩的 Endearing( 惹人喜爱的) Grateful感恩的) Hero( 英雄) ...

4.感激的,感谢的 graduate v. 毕业 128. grateful a. 感激的,感谢的 129. habit n. 习惯,习性 130. ...

5.可喜的 grasshopper n. 蚱蜢,蝗虫,蚂蚱 grateful a. 可喜的,令人愉快的 graze vi. 喂草;放牧(牲畜) ...


1.I would be grateful if you could investigate the matter as soon as possible. And I am looking forward to an early reply.如能尽快调查此事件,我将不胜感激。我期待着您及时地恢复。

2.Every time I receive my gift, no matter how much, my friend Bill (Bill) will never forget the grateful.每次收到我的礼物,不管多少,我的朋友比尔(Bill)决不忘记表示感激。

3.I'd be grateful if you could let me know in advance if you don't want a meal or if you're going to be late for any reason.如果你不想吃饭或是由于某种原因可能回来晚一些,请提前告诉我,我会很感谢的。

4.Benfica understand my decision and I intend to make it a good deal for them. I will be grateful to them all my pfe.本菲卡理解我的决定,并且我打算为他们要个好价钱。我一生都会感谢他们。

5.The train is about to start now. I am very grateful to you for coming to see me off.火车就要开动了我非常感谢你(们)来给我送行。

6.I cherish the time that I've spent here, and I'm more grateful than I even know how to say.我非常珍惜在这里度过的时光,我的感激之情无以言表。

7."Well, " I said, "I'm just as grateful as I can be, but really I don't want one. "“好吧,”我说,“我不胜感激,不过,我真是用不着再找那份差事啦。”

8.I shall not attempt to describe the grateful emotions which the new and very distinguished proof of the confidence of my fellow_citizens.我不应试图描述那由这全新而非凡的国民信心之证明,由我的再次当选而展示的这一高度信任。

9.Her mother-in-law helps her to take care of her child and she is grateful.她婆婆帮她照料小孩,她很感激。

10.but, till this very day, she had never, for an instant, suspected it to mean any thing but grateful respect to her as Harriet's friend.不过,直到今天以前,她一直以为他念她是哈丽特的朋友,便对她又感激又敬重,一刻也没怀疑他还会有什么别的意思。