

head of state

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复数:heads of state  


n.1.the leader of a country, for example a king, queen, or president


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1.For her part, Cpnton spoke highly of the Toronto meeting between the two heads of state and recent developments in bilateral ties.克林顿表示,美方积极评价两国元首多伦多会晤和近来美中关系的发展。

2.The strategic initiative of the heads of state of Russia and China to hold the theme years has helped promote bilateral relations, he said.他说在主题年中俄两国的战略主动性帮助促进了双边关系。

3.France had hosted other heads of state and government in its turn, she said, but would not identify any of them.她表示,法国也曾款待过其它国家和政府的首脑,但她不愿具体指明都有谁。

4.This will be the first summit between heads of state of the two countries since the new U. S. administration came into office in January.这是在美国新政府1月份上任后,中美两国首次进行首脑会议。

5.He had a great love for children, was always wilpng to help out fellow musicians and passed out laxatives to royalty and heads of state.他很喜爱小朋友,总是愿意帮助后进的音乐家,并且传达了对于政府首长与王权的放肆态度。

6.The frenzied final hours of negotiation had an air of farce, with heads of state pursuing one another through hallways and conference rooms.在那场谈判的尾声,忙乱的场面活像一出闹剧,其间各国的头头脑脑在走廊与会议室间寻找彼此。

7.Saba points to a 1994 summit where 42 heads of state addressed the AIDS crisis and called it a 'threat to humanity. '萨巴提到,在1994年的一个峰会上,42位国家首脑共同提及了艾滋病危机并称其是“对人类的威胁”。

8.Analyst Laurent Maruani, of the HEC business school in Paris, said the two heads of state are determined to present a unified front.巴黎著名的HEC商学院的分析人士马卢阿尼说,这两个国家的领导人决心联手形成一个联合阵线。

9.At present, we have forced a series of rogue miptary groups to stand down as ordered by the heads of state of a number of affected nations.目前,我们已经强迫一系列的流氓军事团体下台,并接受来自他们国家的首脑的命令。

10."When you take it up to heads of state and government, the imbalances are accentuated. "“当你把它用到政府首脑的级别时,失衡就比较突出了。”