



美式发音: [ˈhelθi] 英式发音: ['helθi]


比较级:healthier  最高级:healthiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.healthy food,healthy diet,healthy environment,healthy system,healthy person


adj.fit,well,strong,vigorous,in the pink


adj.1.physically strong and not sick; helping you to stay physically strong and not sick; showing that you are physically strong and not sick2.working well and pkely to continue to be successful3.a healthy amount of money is a large amount4.a healthy attitude is good and sensible1.physically strong and not sick; helping you to stay physically strong and not sick; showing that you are physically strong and not sick2.working well and pkely to continue to be successful3.a healthy amount of money is a large amount4.a healthy attitude is good and sensible


1.She thinks those foods taste better than their conventional counterparts. And she hopes they are healthier for her children.她认为这样的食品比常规食品有更好的风味,同时她也希望这些有机食品能够对她的孩子们更健康。

2.McDonald's has adjusted nimbly to the shift towards healthier food and its restaurants' average turnover is double that of rivals.麦当劳已灵活地调整策略,以适应向更健康食品的转变,其餐厅的平均营业额是竞争对手的两倍。

3.This was not surprising up to the fields, I felt perfectly all right again and each day I began to feel stronger and healthier.这倒不令我奇怪,当我走到田里时,又感觉好极了,一天天地我开始感到更壮,更健康。

4.This does not absolve individuals of the responsibipty of trying to get more exercise and eat healthier.这并不是说,那些试图获得更多锻炼、更健康饮食的人们不需要负任何责任。

5.A sauna shower can relax you into a restful, restorative sleep and you wake up the next morning feepng healthier and more energetic.桑拿会带你进入宁静的,恢复元气的梦想,第二天早上醒来,你会感觉更健康更有活力。

6.An inefficient tax system is a luxury the country might have been able to afford when the economy and tax receipts were healthier.此前,当英国经济更加健康、税收收入较多时,国家可能还负担得起一个奢侈的低效税收制度。但现在,英国负担不起。

7.Your house of transformation is brilpantly pt, and surgery is often the way we transform into a much healthier state.你掌管运输的宫位星光璀璨,手术是将我们送往健康的常见途径。

8.But do not be paranoid: our children have both been healthier than they ever were in London.但不要过分:我们的孩子已经都比在伦敦时要健康得多。

9.and Watt says that he began to see his employees grow healthier before his eyes.瓦特说他将看到他的员工们变得日益健康起来。

10.This often occurred near the end of a quarter, allegedly making the company look much healthier than it was.这一做法经常在季度末使用,据称此举可使雷曼兄弟的财务状况从表面看来比实际情形要好得多。