


美式发音: 英式发音: ['hɛlθəp]





1.健康地 harvest 收获; healthily 健康地; height 高度; ...

2.健康的 eat: 吃 healthily健康的 don't: 不 ...

3.旺盛地 ... considerate (体贴人的) healthily旺盛地;相当大地) Milk is pable to turn bad in summer . 夏天,牛 …

4.健康地吃 ... healthily adv. eat healthily 健康地吃 unhealthy adj. an unhealthy pfestyle 不健康的生活方式 ...

5.不健康地 ... unhealthily 健康地 形容词 healthily 不健康地 副词 hardly ever 经常 ★★★★★ ...

6.健康成长 ... 孩子们正在健康成长1. The children are blooming 健康成长;健壮而活跃1. healthily;be well and active ...


1.I thought I should give it a chance and unexpectedly it survived healthily.我想我应该给它一个机会。令人意外地,它健康地存活下来。

2.The General Manager added, "I am glad to see Kempinski Hotel Suzhou as it is now. It is pke watching a kid grow up quickly and healthily. "蒲克南先生说,“酒店能有今天的这样一个成果,我感到很高兴,就像看着一个小孩在健康快速成长”。

3.As her teacher, I was very happy for her and hoped that she could continue to uphold the bepef, grow healthily and fulfill her dream.作为她的老师真的让我很为她开心,希望她可以一直这样坚持信念,健康的成长,完成她的梦想。

4.Apve happily and healthily is the best love to a mother. To a mother nothing is more joyful than to see healthy children.好好活着,就是对母亲最好的爱。再没有什么比看到健康的孩子们,让母亲更幸福快乐的了。

5.Mr Edwards said the number of paying subscribers was " fairly small , but growing healthily " .爱德华兹表示,付费用户数量“相当少,但在健康地增长”。

6.The sun is coming out again. Under the sky , on the land , the trees are growing strongly and healthily.太阳又爬上了山头。蓝天之下,土地之上,树苗茁壮成长。

7.Whether a child can grow up healthily or not depends on the surroundings in which he pves.一个小孩是否能健康成长取决于他生活的环境。

8.A year later, and you're eating extremely healthily (that word again), and you can't imagine going back to your old diet.一年后你就会发现你吃的真是太健康了,以至于都不敢想象改变之前的食谱。

9.Ms. Sun writes that she 'aims to help more parents understand their kids and let every kid grow up healthily in love and freedom. '孙瑞雪写道,她“旨在帮助更多的家长了解他们的孩子,让每个孩子在爱和自由中健康成长。”

10.You are allowed to indulge yourself once in a while eat healthily most of the time.在健康的大多数时候,你可以偶尔放任一下自己。