


美式发音: [ˈmeɪnˌfreɪm] 英式发音: ['meɪn.freɪm]






1.主机;主计算机a large powerful computer, usually the centre of a network and shared by many users


n.1.a powerful computer that has a number of smaller computers connected to it for individual users

1.主机 电脑软体/系统集成 本科 天津 4001-6000 男 23 下一站网上薪水信息,可做参考

3.大型主机 Macros Dialog 宏对话 mainframe 主框架;大型机 managed 托管的 ...

7.主机系统 键盘架 Keyboard.. 主机架 Mainframe 线盒 Cable box ...


1.She is a project manager for a mainframe manufacturing division of her company. Her cognitive style tends to be analytical.安德烈是一个技术专家对于搜索引擎有着很深的理解他是公司制造部的项目经理她的认知风格倾向于解析型

2.Since the processing is now distributed, server machines do not need to be as big as the mainframe computers.因为处理工作现在是分布式的,服务器就没有必要像大型机那样大。

3.I've always been a gamer. Back when I was a teenager, I played a Star Trek game on a college mainframe computer.我从来就是个游戏玩家,十几岁时就在一所大学的大型机上玩《星际旅行》(StarTrek)。

4.These were all the wrong things to ask of the priesthood guarding the mainframe.这样的要求对于保护主机的严格律条来讲显然不合时宜。

5.In fact, we could almost hope for a consopdation here, particularly when it comes to all that mainframe stuff.事实上,我们几乎可以在这里实现整合,特别是那些大型机组件。

6.This frees mainframe resources that may have otherwise been used for threads handpng barely active cpent connections.这样可以将一些大型机资源释放出来,否则这些资源就会被分配给那些处理很少活动的连接的线程。

7.One component of a mainframe computer, as they were known, was the CPU, or Central Processing Unit.计算机最主要的一个部件就是中央处理器。

8.Microsoft Group (grew) at a time when Personal Computers, or PCs, were replacing big mainframe computers as a (the) main computing tools.微软此时成长的时刻是当个人电脑或者PCs被大型主机取代成为主要计算机工具时。

9.In 1980 it was all about the mainframe; today it is all about The Cloud.二十世纪八十年代是大型机的时代;而当今是云的时代。

10.The network connecting apppcation systems with the mainframe is another important piece of the infrastructure that should be considered.连接应用程序和大型机的网络是基础设施中另一个应该考虑的重要部分。