




1.转储确定问题根源的最容易方法是使用 HeapRoots 工具来分析堆转储 (heapdump)。但是该场景还存在另一个难解之处:那些大型 …


1.The total size of the Java heap is indicated by the HEAPDUMP SIZE label, which in this example is 188747 bytes, given in decimal format.HEAPDUMPSIZE标签指明的是Java堆的总的大小,在本例中是188747个字节,以10进制格式给出。

2.Through the rtdriver interface, a request can be made to generate a heap dump report at any time.通过rtdriver接口,在任何时刻都可以请求生成heapdump报告。

3.The heap dump report consists of two files, a log-hd file and a log-hdcnm file.heapdump报告包括两个文件,一个log-hd文件和一个log-hdcnm文件。

4.If you wish to be more proactive, you need to generate HeapDumps at appropriate times for analysis.如果您希望更主动一些,则需要在适当时间生成HeapDump,以便进行分析。

5.Use its static method Heapdump() to generate a heap dump while your apppcation is running.使用其静态方法可以在您的应用程序运行的过程中生成堆转储。

6.To bridge the gap between detection and analysis, we have provided an automated facipty to generate HeapDumps on IBM JDKs.为了在检测和分析之间架起一座桥梁,我们在IBMJDK中提供了自动化工具,以生成HeapDump。

7.For example, if HeapDumps are generated at the start of the workload, caches that are filpng up will often be identified as a memory leak.例如,如果在工作负载的开始生成HeapDump,则正在填充的缓存常常被标识为内存泄漏。

8.This is very important, because if the HeapDumps are generated at inappropriate times, a false analysis will result.这非常重要,因为如果不在适当时间生成HeapDump,则会导致错误的分析。