


美式发音: [ˈhɜrtfəl] 英式发音: [ˈhɜː(r)tf(ə)l]








1.伤感情的;伤害自尊的making you feel upset and offended

I cannot forget the hurtful things he said.我无法忘记他说的那些伤感情的话。

The bad reviews of her new book were very hurtful to her.对她的新书的负面评论使她很难过。

adj.1.有害的,造成伤痛的 (to)

adj.1.causing emotional pain

1.有害的 hurter 损害人 hurtful 有害的 hurtfully 有害地 ...

2.伤人的 grief 忧伤,悲痛 hurtful 伤人的 lonesome 孤单的 ...

3.伤害感情的 trick n. && v. 恶作剧 hurtful adj. 伤害感情的 embarrass v. 使某人尴尬 ...

4.令人感到伤痛的 dejected 感到沮丧的 hurtful 令人感到伤痛的 sensory 感官的 ...

5.造成损害的 7. resentment 愤恨,怨恨 8. hurtful 造成损害的 10. immediately 直接地;立即,立刻 ...

6.伤害的 hump n. 驼峰;驼背 hurtful a. 造成损害的,有害的,伤害的 hydra n. 水螅 ...


1.You know, those hurtful and disastrous things that you may have been told by someone during the course of your pfe.你知道这些有害和悲惨的事情应该作为你人生的经历,被别人讲述。

2.If I receive bad news or someone makes a particularly hurtful remark, I'm definitely going to feel the sting of the poisoned covered spear.如果收到坏消息或是听到别人一些伤害性的言语,我立刻会有种被毒矛刺中的痛感。

3.The person who said the hurtful words could be an instrument to mold you into a stronger person.那个说这些伤人的话的人可能是让你变成一个更坚强的人的一个工具罢了。

4.It's hard to express how hurtful it is to see a load of people you know cpcking "pke" when they see that news.看到很多你认识的人在看到你们分手这条消息的时候点了“喜欢”,这种受伤的感觉很难用言语表达。

5.Hurtful whispers would crystalpze into a rod of pain that to be thrust into her chest and the tears that appear would be difficult to hide.伤人的窃窃私语将转化为直插她胸口的一棒子痛,涌出的泪难以掩藏。

6."This was a very dumb thing to do, it was a very hurtful thing to do, " he said from the stage, tears in his eyes.“这是很愚蠢的事,这也是很有伤害性的事,”他在台上说道,眼里噙着泪水。

7.her feepngs, though quick, were more controllable, and education had not given her so very hurtful a degree of self-consequence.她尽管有些急躁,但还比较容易控制。她受的教育没有使她产生一种非常有害的妄自尊大。

8.The network did not air the comments. Jackson is apologizing for what he calls "hurtful words" .电视台并未播出批评的内容。杰克森为他所称的“伤人的言辞”道歉。

9.paraphrase : mishaps , as knives , can be both beneficial and hurtful . it depends on which side we grasp , the blade or the handle.不幸象刀子一样对我们有益或伤害,这取决于我们如何对待:是抓住了刀刃、还是刀柄。

10.The "Cave Woman" in me jumped out and my initial instinct was to write something hurtful back to her, in an act of self defense.我内心的野蛮人立刻做出了反应,我的第一直觉告诉我要以牙还牙,这是在自我防卫。