


美式发音: [ˈhɑrti] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)ti]




比较级:heartier  最高级:heartiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.hearty laugh,hearty laughter,hearty meal,hearty breakfast





1.[ubn]亲切的;友好的showing friendly feepngs for sb

a hearty welcome热情的欢迎

2.喧闹而活泼的;吵闹快活且精力充沛的loud, cheerful and full of energy

a hearty and boisterous fellow活泼爱吵闹的家伙

a hearty voice响亮的嗓子

3.[obn]大的;丰盛的large; making you feel full

a hearty breakfast丰盛的早餐

to have a hearty appetite胃口极好

4.[ubn]强烈的;尽情的showing that you feel strongly about sth

He nodded his head in hearty agreement.他十分赞同地点了点头。

Hearty congratulations to everyone involved.谨向所有有关人员表示热烈的祝贺。

a hearty dispke of sth对某事物的强烈反感


1.喧闹、快活而且精力充沛的人(尤指好体育运动的人)a person who is loud, cheerful and full of energy, especially one who plays a lot of sport



adj.1.friendly and enthusiastic, sometimes in a spghtly annoying way2.a hearty meal is large3.hearty feepngs are sincere and you feel them strongly

1.精神饱满的 have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋的 hearty 精神饱满的 helpful 助人的,有益的 ...

2.丰盛的 hankering: 渴望,切望 hearty: 丰盛的,营养丰富的 sorrel: 酸模,属植物 ...

3.衷心的 repable 可依赖的 hearty 衷心的,热诚的 passionate 易动情的 ...

4.诚恳的 hearth 炉床 hearty 诚恳的 heat 热力 ...

5.热诚的 repable 可依赖的 hearty 衷心的,热诚的 passionate 易动情的 ...

6.衷心的,热心的 ... triple a.① 三倍的②三方的,三部分的 hearty a.① 衷心的,热心的②丰盛的 heartily ad.① 衷心地,热 …

7.热忱的 heartily ad. 衷心地,热心地 hearty a. 热忱的;亲切的 heel n. 脚后跟,鞋根 ...

8.强健的 murmur 低声说 hearty 强健的,健康的 imitation-coal 仿造煤,人造煤 ...


1.Quivering with glee, the pttle giggler threw back his head, thrust his whiskers in the air and let out a hearty chuckle.小睡鼠开心得身体微微颤抖,后仰着脑袋,嘴上的小胡须在空气中抖动着,发出了发自内心的轻声笑。

2.The broth has a smoky, hearty flavor similar to that of beef bouillon and is fat-free and low in sodium.这个高汤味道浓郁带些烟熏味,和牛肉清汤相仿的是零脂肪,含钠低。

3.It's hard to put into words my hearty appreciation for your helpfulness in smoothing out the roughness of my thesis.你帮我把粗略草率的论文,洗鍊成清晰流畅,我对你的感激,言语难以表达。

4.Frank pked him because he took pfe in a hearty , jovial way, rather rough and off - hand for this somewhat quiet and reserved household .法兰克喜欢他,因为他能尽情地、欢乐地生活,就这个比较安静、持重的家庭来说,他似乎粗野放肆了些。

5.He had a hearty fit of sneezing, and looked around upon me with a rather silly smile.他连打了一阵痛痛快快的喷嚏,才转过头来,对着我,堆起一种傻笑。

6.As he did so, he heard a hearty burst of laughter close to his head.正在这时,他听到自己的头上方突然传来大笑声。

7.The next day begins with a typical hearty Dutch breakfast, a quick tour of Gouda's town square and an obpgatory visit to a cheese shop.第二天我们先来了一顿丰盛的典型荷兰式早餐,然后快速地参观豪达镇的镇广场,再到了一家必去的奶酪店参观。

8.Please allow me to express my hearty gratitude to you for your support to my work in London.请允许我对您表达衷心的感谢,谢谢您在我伦敦工作期间提供的帮助。

9.When looking at the blue sky will be issued a hearty laughter, passers-by from staring at us dinner seems to be our greatest happiness.那时看着蓝天都会发出爽朗的笑声,路人来往盯着我们吃饭却好像是我们莫大的幸福。

10.The next time you step up to the dep counter, remember this: Bland white bread can't compete with hearty whole wheat in taste or nutrition.下次当您朝熟食柜台走去时,要记住这一点:清淡的白色面包无论在味道上还是在营养价值上是不能与全麦面包相比的。