


美式发音: [ˌkɑnekˈtɪvəti] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnekˈtɪvəti]





1.连通性;连接(度);连结(度) the state of being connected or the degree to which two things are connected

ISDN connectivity allows computers to communicate over a network.综合业务数字网连接实现了计算机网络通讯。


n.1.the abipty of computers and other types of electronic equipment to connect successfully with other computers or programs

1.连接 Connection device 连接设备 Connectivity 连接 Consumer-to-consumer 个人对个人 ...

2.连通性 47、 曼哈顿路径: manhattan path 48、 连接度(性): connectivity 1、 印制电路: printed circuit ...

6.连通度 connective 连接的 connectivity 连通度 consequence 推论(后承) ...


1.This sort of connectivity will expand dramatically as microscopic communications devices become dirt-cheap and multiply.随着显微通讯装置便宜到毫不值钱、随处可见的地步,这种连接将急速扩展。

2.In short, apppcation of point-to-point naming conventions in an SOA context tends to result in a point-to-point connectivity model.简而言之,点对点命名约定在SOA上下文中的应用往往导致点对点连接模型。

3.As important as technical drivers are, the final decision of which connectivity option to pursue is often determined by business drivers.正如技术驱动一样,最终确定购买哪个连接性选项经常由业务驱动决定。

4.A future extension for an apppcation of this kind would be to synchronize with a remote server when connectivity becomes available.对于此类应用程序的未来扩展来说,当连接可用时,应用程序将与远程服务器同步。

5.GUI-based tool -- A graphical console makes it easy to configure connectivity, import metadata, and manage the runtime server.图形化工具――图形化的控制使配置连接,导入数据和管理不间断运行的服务器变的简单。

6.Results show that this key management scheme achieves a nice tradeoff between the network security, connectivity and overheads.结果证明本方案在网络安全性、连通性以及节点负载方面达到了一种较好的平衡。

7.We stand ready to increase maritime connectivity with ASEAN and strengthen cooperation in sea transportation, maritime affairs and ports.中国愿推进与东盟的海上互联互通建设,增强在海运、海事和港口等领域的合作。

8.When IP connectivity problems in a NAT environment exist, it is often difficult to determine the cause of the problem.在一个NAT的环境中,当IP的连线发生问题时,判定问题的主要原因通常会比较困难。

9.Building and maintaining connectivity between the organizers, the events, and with the causes is a common theme across the mega events.构建并维持组织者、活动和慈善事业之间的联系是组织大型活动的共同课题。

10.Media tablets are for 'connectivity, notebooks are focused on computing and desktops will be used for home storage, ' she said.她说,媒体平板电脑是为了上网,笔记本电脑则专注于计算,台式电脑将被用于家庭存储。