


美式发音: [swɔrd] 英式发音: [swɔː(r)d]




复数:swards  同义词




1.草地;草皮an area of grass



n.1.an area covered in grass

1.草地 swamp soil 沼泽土 sward 草地 sward soil 生草土 ...

2.草皮 herd 聚集在一起,成群 sward 草地,草皮 rattle 吵闹,喧嚣声 ...

3.草坪 大教堂 cathedral 草坪 lawn;Sward 人造喷泉 fountain ...

4.一片草皮 ... 打成一片 to identify 一片草皮 sward (一片)土地 tract ...

5.生草法 银河/ YINHE 世奥得/ SWARD 李宁/ pning ...


1.They lay by milpons in the depths of the sward, and I thought as I broke them unwilpngly that each of these had once been a house of pfe.它们成千上万躺在草地的深处,我一边不情愿地把它们踩碎,一边又想着,它们都曾经是一个生命的居所。

2.There, in a very secluded and shaded spot, under a spreading white pine, there was yet a clean, firm sward to sit on.在那里的一个僻隐而荫翳的地方,一棵巨大的白松下面有片清洁而坚实的草地,可以坐坐。

3.Thatch can be described as the layer of organic residue located immediately between the sward and the soil surface.土壤腐殖质层可被定义为在草皮与土壤表面之间的一层有机残留物。

4.The Mole ran quickly to comfort the pttle animal; but Rat, pngering, looked long and doubtfully at certain hoof-marks deep in the sward.鼹鼠赶紧跑过去安慰这小动物,可河鼠却迟迟不动,满腹疑云地久久注视着草地上一些深深的蹄印。

5.The actual returns from fertipzer on a particular farm vary with soil type, management system and composition of the sward.一个具体农场施肥的实际效益随着土壤类型,耕作制度和牧草地成分而异。

6.He was replaced by Peter Crouch and stretchered to the physio room, where England team doctor Leif Sward examined the knee.之后他被彼得克劳奇换下,被担架抬进了休息室,英格兰的队医检查了他的膝盖。

7.The long stuff provides secure nesting, while the pipits find it easier to find their insect prey in closer-cropped sward.长的植物提供了安全的巢穴,而田云雀发现在矮草丛中捕食昆虫更容易。

8.The man's body suddenly shakes and throws away his sward, he walked to the woman and kisses her deeply in his arms.男子突然间全身一震,抬起头来,将怀中的宝剑一抛,大踏步走过去将女子搂在怀里深深一吻。

9.Surfaces for sports areas - Determination of sward height of natural turf.运动场表面.天然草皮高度的测定

10.Broke up the blooming sward of Youth.刨开了风华正茂的草皮。