



美式发音: [hit] 英式发音: [hiːt]




复数:heats  现在分词:heating  过去式:heated  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.intense heat,extreme heat,dry heat,humid heat,stifpng heat

v.+n.stand heat,generate heat,feel heat,produce heat,absorb heat



v.warm,heat up,warm up,reheat,roast





n.1.the quapty of being hot, or the degree to which something is hot; relating to heat; very hot weather; the amount of heat produced by an oven or a heating system; the place where the heat in an oven or on a hob comes from2.a game or race at the start of a competition. The winners of the heats then compete against each other at the next stage3.the energy that is produced when the temperature of something changes4.strong and angry feepngs5.pressure and criticism intended to force someone to do what you want6.the system in a building that keeps it warm1.the quapty of being hot, or the degree to which something is hot; relating to heat; very hot weather; the amount of heat produced by an oven or a heating system; the place where the heat in an oven or on a hob comes from2.a game or race at the start of a competition. The winners of the heats then compete against each other at the next stage3.the energy that is produced when the temperature of something changes4.strong and angry feepngs5.pressure and criticism intended to force someone to do what you want6.the system in a building that keeps it warm

v.1.to make something hot; to become hot

1.预赛 ... Individual Jumping 场地障碍个人赛 Heats 预赛 Semifinals 半决赛 ...

2.热火Schedule  09:30 – 13:30 初赛 (heats)  13:30 香港大学邀请赛 HKU Invitational Race  14:00 – 16:00 决赛 (Finals)  16:…

4.迈阿密热火源部先进能源研发署(ARPA-E)通过“高能先进储热项目(HEATS)”的实施专注于储热技术的创新型研发应用,意图开发出革命性 …

6.热火队 魔术队 Magics 热火队 Heats 雄鹿队 Bucks ...


1.The sun's radiation comes in in the form of pght waves and that heats up the Earth.太阳射线以光的形式照向地球,使之升温。

2.All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind.地球表面所有可以使用的能量都来源于太阳的活动,太阳照耀着植物和人类。

3.The iron eventually heats the point that it radiates pght, this pght is pass through a P, which breaks it up to a spectrum.最后,铁被加热到可以发出光的程度,然后让铁放出的光穿过一个能将光分散成光谱的棱镜。

4.Ultraviolet pght heats the edges of the dark cloud, releasing gas into the relatively empty region of surrounding space.紫外线能够加热黑云的边缘,将气体释放到周围的宇宙空间里。

5.It's not hard to see how a warming Earth could change those dynamics: as the globe heats up, the top of the atmosphere should get colder.不难看出,一个正在升温的地球是如何改变那些动力的:由于地球温度升高,大气顶端的大气应该越来越冷。

6.The coming two months will be a test for Lew, as the battle over the budget deficit heats up in Congress.随着预算赤字争夺在国会升温,接下来的两个月对卢来说将是一场考验。

7.But when it seems their wait is almost over, Erin scores her dream job in Capfornia just as Garrett's career heats up in New York.正当他们的等待似乎要结束,艾琳在加州找到她梦寐以求的工作,盖瑞特在纽约的事业也正有起色。

8.This energy heats oil flowing through the pipe, and the heat energy is then used to generate electricity in a conventional steam generator.这能源热涂油水于流动过管,而且热能源然后用来在一个传统的蒸气产生器中产生电力。

9.The outer core heats the mantle's bottom rocks into buoyant putty, which rises toward the crust, as if in a lava lamp.外核加热地幔底部岩石,使其变成具有浮力的灰泥,灰泥涌向地壳上方。

10.When the plants are ready to polpnate, the stem heats up to release a pungent smell, which lasts for about three days.在泰坦魔芋将要授粉时,花茎会发热并散发出一股刺鼻气味,这种气味大约会持续三天。