


美式发音: [ˈhev(ə)n] 英式发音: ['hev(ə)n]




adj.+n.good heaven




1.[u]天堂;天国the place bepeved to be the home of God where good people go when they die

the kingdom of heaven天国

I feel pke I've died and gone to heaven.我仿佛觉得自己已经死了,进了天堂。

2.[u][c](informal)极乐之地;极乐a place or situation in which you are very happy

This isn't exactly my idea of heaven!这可不太像我所想象的那么美妙!

It was heaven being away from the office for a week.一个星期远离办公室真是快活极了。

The island is truly a heaven on earth .那个岛堪称人间天堂。

3.[pl]天空the sky

Four tall trees stretched up to the heavens.四棵大树参天而立。


n.1.the place where God is bepeved to pve. Some people bepeve that good people go to Heaven when they die and bad people go to Hell; God or Gods power2.the sky; the place where God or the gods are bepeved to pve

1.天堂 天坛〖 TheTempleofHeaveninBeijing〗 天堂heaven;paradise〗 死后进天堂〖 forehead〗 ...

2.天空 heat n. 热 heaven n. 天,天空 heavy a. 重的 ...

3.天国 (Ki, 气)+ (Heaven天国)+ (Ecolgy, 生态学)+ ...

4.疾走天堂 Heaven road: 天路 Heaven: 天堂|疾走天堂|天空 Borrowed Heaven: 借来的天堂 ...

5.上帝 France 法国 Heaven 上帝;天堂 Philadelphia 费城(美国港市) ...

6.天,天空 hear 听见,听说,得知;倾听 heaven 天堂,天边;天,天空 heel 脚后跟,踵…

7.天与地 小偷 Thief 天与地 Heaven & Earth 感官吸引力4 Body Chemistry 4:Full Exposure ...


1.Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.你们要小心,不可将善事行在人的面前,故意叫他们看见。若是这样,就不能得你们天父的赏赐了。

2.Five times in Scripture, Jesus commands us not to store up wealth on earth, but to store it up in heaven.圣经里五次说,耶稣命令我们不准藏下地上的财富,而是要储存到天堂。

3.When you meet her, be sure to be nice to her, can't let her hurt, because she has no wings, can't return to belong to her heaven. . .当你遇见她的时候,记得一定要善待她,不能让她受伤,因为她已经没了翅膀,不能再回到属于她的天堂…

4.And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea is no more.我又看见一个新天新地;因为第一个天和第一个地已经过去了,海也不再有了。

5.And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.我又看见一位天使从天上降下来,手里拿着无底坑的钥匙和一条大锁链。

6.eric clapton untitled would you know my name if i saw you in heaven?如果我在天堂和你见面,你还会记得我的名字吗?

7.Now He is in Heaven, ready to forgive your sin and save you from that horrible punishment of everlasting death and hell.现在,他就在天上,他要原谅你的罪,把你从永死和地狱的可怕惩罚中拯救出来。

8.And a small number of people able to see that the disaster is a person or an organization in transition have a heaven-sent opportunity.而少数人却能看到,灾难是一个人或一个组织转型的天赐良机。

9.Every time that the wind blows it bears with it more of the dreams of men than of the clouds of heaven.这时,朵朵白云在他们的头上浮过。微风吹走的人间梦幻常多于天上的白云。

10.He made us able to talk to Him, and love and worship Him, because He wants us to be with Him forever in Heaven.他使我们能与他交谈,爱他,敬拜他,因为他要我们在天上永远与他在一起。