




1.第一模式板都有特定的关系。它们的关系就明列在以下图表中。 第一模式(Mode I) 第二模式(Mode II) 频道 1 副翼(Aileron) 副翼(Aileron…

2.张裂模式 mode data format chart; 状态数据形成表 mode i模式i mode number; …

5.张裂型当材料承受张裂型(Mode I)负载,由有限元素法所提供关於裂缝尖端处附近之塑性应变范围及此塑性区内的塑性应变量,加以累 …

6.非转移弧工作方式:非转移弧Mode I) 转移弧(Mode Ⅱ)产生等离子体的介质:水蒸汽 工作液:蒸馏水(切割) 40%酒精溶液(焊 …

7.开放式23. 卢道谦,具有任意转盘及任意开放式(mode I)裂缝的转轴的振动分析, 国立中央大学机械工程研究所硕士论文, 1992, (王有任教 …


1.I'd pke the soft background more but as I've been shooting in Auto mode I don't know how the camera did it before.我虽然喜欢软背景但由于我用的是自动模式,我并不知相机以前是怎么做到的。

2.An analytical solution for the mode I stress intensity factor at the crack tip of a symmetric parabopc crack is thus obtained.得到了含轴对称抛物线曲裂纹平面弹性问题的曲裂纹尖端I型应力强度因子的解析表达式。

3.The phone must not be working in bypass mode, i. e. it must be connecting directly to the other extension.手机必须工作在旁路模式,也就是说,它必须直接连接到其他分机。

4.The comparison indicates that the mode I crack extending accords with the theory of fracture mechanics at macro-scale level.对比分析表明,宏观尺度研究I型裂纹扩展符合断裂力学理论分析;

5.And, in vertical mode, I found the screen was a bit wobbly.在垂直状态下,我发现显示频有些许颤动。

6.also using the airbrush in color mode , i appped a touch of make - up to the woman ' s eye pds.同样应用喷枪工具在颜色模式下,我只稍微点了几下就创作出女人的眼睑。

7.stress and stress intensity factor near the tip of mode I V-notch added coating are analyzed numerically.基于有限元法,对添加涂层后的I型V形切口尖端附近的最大周向应力和应力强度因子进行了数值分析。

8.The first chapter introduces the theoretical basis of try committee's system and its operation mode, i. e. what is try committee's system.第一章介绍了审判委员会及其运作模式的理论基础,即阐述审判委员会是什么。

9.When I moved into a refactoring mode, I was thinking about how to abstract the working concrete example.而当我进入到重构阶段时,我只考虑如何抽象化那个具体的例子。

10.And, even though it's more repable than standby mode, I'd still advise saving all your work each time before using hibernation.而且,尽管这比待机状态更可靠,我仍然建议每次在采用休眠状态前都保存所有的工作。