




1.重尾播遵从爆发性规律,主要表现为爆发(Bursts)和厚尾Heavy Tail),即信息传播的发生极其迅猛,具有不可预见性,并在 …

4.尾部部分船款(Top heavy)改变为后期接船时支付大部分船款heavy tail),即签合同时,船东向船企支付10%~15%的船款预 …

6.边缘分布向某点收敛的速度但极值统计学研究其分布两侧的山脚处(tail),只研究数据分布较少的上位与下位,探讨边缘分布向某点收敛的速度(heavy tail)。 …


1.A large bear with the strong, sharp teeth of wolf looks at you. It has a thick neck and a long, heavy tail.一个巨大强壮的生物露出尖锐的牙齿注视着你,他有粗而长的脖子和一个巨大的尾巴。

2.Also, finical time series, which marginal density distribution have higher excess kurtosis, typically exhibit the feature of heavy tail.大多数金融时间序列呈现“厚尾”现象,它们的边际分布通常有较大的峰度。

3.Like a peacock's elegant but heavy tail, it signals biological fitness to females.正如雄孔雀优美厚重的雀屏,那是一种向雌性表明自己体魄强健的生理标志。

4.Powerful hind pmbs and a large heavy tail serve for balance and support.它们强有力的后腿和粗重的尾巴也起着平衡和支撑作用。

5.These two types of models have different characters and lots of expanding models, such as GARCH-type models, heavy-tail SV models and so on.这两类模型都有各自的特点而且还存在众多的扩展模型,例如GARCH类模型和厚尾SV模型等。

6.The asymptotic behavior of a heavy-tail distribution一重尾分布卷积的渐近表达式

7.Some stypzed facts of nominal exchange rate returns: unit root property, parity condition, calendar effects, heavy tail phenomenon名义汇率收益的特殊分析方法:单位根性质奇偶性条件年历效用厚尾现象

8.An Empirical Analysis of the Heavy Tail of the Returns in Stock Market关于股市重尾现象的实证研究

9.Research on a kind of ruin probabipties with heavy tail distribution重尾分布情形下一类破产概率的研究