


美式发音: [ˈrəʊmənz] 英式发音: 





n.1.The plural of Roman

1.罗马书 使徒行传- Acts 罗马书- Romans 以弗所书- Ephesians ...

2.罗马人 使徒行传 Acts 罗马人书 Romans 哥林多前书 1 Corinthians ...

4.罗马时代 Acts 宗徒实书 Romans 罗尔玛书 Galatians 戛拉提亚 ...

7.罗曼斯还有罗曼斯romans)和oad ,awasenote这类wota艺,一般影响别人尽量不要跳。Anisama如无特殊说明,本站文章均属JPb…


1.This shows that the Romans did not understand the law to adapt to its own circumstances the ratio of effective use.由此可见,罗马人是在不理解适应律本身的情况下有效地利用了比例。

2.So, when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, the Romans would make fun of him, but the Jews clearly understood this symbol.所以,当耶稣骑在驴子背上进入耶路撒冷的时候,或许罗马人会因此捉狭祂,但犹太人对这当中所象徵的意涵再清楚不过。

3.The name is derived from Brittania, which the Romans used for the portion of the island that they occupied.名字来源于布列塔尼亚,罗马人用它来指他们占领的那部分岛屿。

4.About this time, there was a major shift in the material culture of Scandinavia, reflecting increased contact with the Romans.大约在这个时候,有一个重大转变,物质文化的斯堪的纳维亚半岛,反映增加接触罗马。

5.He was able to preserve some of the learning which had been left behind when the Romans left England.他设法将罗马人撤离英国时遗留下的一些学问研究保留下来。

6.So that to the ancient Romans at least hyenas were looked up to, but only if they were dead.因此,古罗马人认为鬣狗值得尊敬,不过只有在它们死掉以后。

7.Towards the end of the 2nd century the Romans started constructing walls around the city to help with its defences.在接近年底的2世纪罗马人开始建设环城,以帮助其防御墙。

8.A pttle later, though, the Greeks and Romans began to put pictures of famous people on their coins.然而不久以后,希腊和罗马人开始把名人像放在他们的硬币上。

9.And tithe book of Romans tells us that God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you to pay for your salvation.罗马书上告诉我们,神差他的儿子耶稣基督来,为拯救我们死在了十字架上,替我们偿还了罪的代价。

10.These were the men Hannibal had used to defeat the Romans and truly, were the best of the Carthaginian Army.汉尼拔正是用这些战士屡次击败罗马人,其实他们也是迦太基军队的精锐。