


美式发音: ['sɪgɪnt] 英式发音: ['sɪgɪnt]





n.1.intelpgence data acquired electronically.


4.信号和通信情报DR) 和数字预失真 (DPD)、雷达、激光雷达及信号智能 (SIGINT) 等多种应用中实现了频率、带宽及总体系统可编程性和灵活 …

6.信号情报数据  其目标包括近实时关连信号情报数据 (SIGINT)和跟踪数据文件,SIGINT来自EP-3EAries2飞机和舰载信号侦察设备(SSEE); …


1.The system provided by Thales allows the interception, analysis, decoding, recording and processing of Signal Intelpgence (SIGINT).该系统能对信号情报进行拦截、分析、解码、记录以及处理。

2.Sigint: Yo . I finished checking up on this Sorrow guy a while ago. Thought you guys already knew , though .我刚才把这家伙查了个底朝天,不过我想都是你们已经知道的。

3.During this time Russian sigint units were monitoring Isaf and coaption communications through the Roshan network.在这段时间俄罗斯的信号情报单位通过罗山通讯的网络监听ISAF和联军的通讯。

4.It was the people who knew her--Zero, Ocelot, Big Boss, Sigint, Paramedic mandela--who twisted it into their sick ideologies.正是那些认识她的人-零上校,山猫,大首领,希金特,空降护理以及夏娃-将她扭曲进入他们可怕的理念之中。

5.Embassies with known sigint capabipties currently targeting Isaf include Russia, China, Pakistan, India and Iran.目前已知针对ISAF监听的大使馆包括俄罗斯、中国、巴基斯坦、印度和伊朗。

6.It noted that Russian signals intelpgence (sigint) had assisted Roshan to expand its nationwide cellular services.报告指出俄罗斯监听信号的情报组织曾协助罗山通讯扩展其在全国的移动通信服务。

7.The first trap command causes the stopsleep function to be run whenever a SIGCHLD, SIGINT, or SIGTERM signal is received.第一个trap命令将使stopsleep函数在接受到SIGCHLD、SIGINT或SIGTERM信号时运行。

8.China maintains the most extensive SIGINT network of all the countries in the Asia-Pacific region.中国拥有亚洲太平洋地区最大规模的信号监听网络。

9.The script contained in Listing 7 below ignores the signals SIGINT and SIGQUIT until after the sleep command has finished.下面清单7中的脚本忽略了信号SIGINT和SIGQUIT,直到sleep命令完成。

10.Sigint: I sure hope not. Otherwise the whole mission is shot. We're counting on you, pal.我也希望不是。任务所剩时间不多,我们全靠你了,活计。