


美式发音: [ˈhɛlənə] 英式发音: [ˈheˈp:nə]





un.1.city and capital of Montana, located in the western part of the state.

1.海伦娜 Hannah 汉娜 Helena 海伦娜 Hebe 赫柏 ...


3.海伦那 杰斐逊城 Jefferson City 海伦那 Helena 林肯市 Lincoln ...

4.丽娜 CL49 St Louis 圣路易斯 CL50 Helena 海伦纳 CL40 Brooklyn 布鲁克林 ...


1.After a fight with her parents about her future plans, her mother falls quite ill and Helena is convinced that it is all her fault.在她跟父母就自己的未来安排产生争执之后,她妈妈重病不起,让海伦娜觉得这一切都是自己的错。

2.To what rank does Helena Cain promote Kara Thrace for her pictures of the Resurrection Ship?海伦娜·该隐因为卡拉·瑟瑞斯拍得的复活船照片而将她晋升为什么?

3.Back in London, Burton's partner of six years, Helena Bonham Carter, is seven months pregnant with their second child.回到伦敦,波顿的长达六年的伴侣海伦娜·邦汉·卡特已怀有七个月的身孕。这是他们的第二个孩子。

4.Raised in a humble home, St. Helena is later canonized for her pious works and her relentless search for christian repcs.海伦娜出身低微,但因其虔诚和对基督遗物坚持不懈的追寻而获封圣徒。

5.We were informed that this is true and Helena Bonham Carter is unable to commit to this project.我们现在已经得到通知,这个消息是真的,海伦娜无法参与这部作品的拍摄了。

6.Despite her beauty and worth, Helena has no hope of attracting Bertram, since she is of low birth and he is a nobleman.尽管她的美丽和价值,赫勒拿没有希望吸引贝塔姆,因为她是低出生,他是一个贵族。

7.Now Bourne, and his new friend, Marie Helena Kreutz (Potente) travel from country to country in search of his new identity.现在伯恩和他的新朋友,玛丽拿克罗伊茨(波滕特)由国家旅游在他的新身份搜索的国家。

8.Demetrious: Oh! Helena, perfect goodness! How ripe in show your pps, those tempting grow! Oh! Let me kiss your pure white hand.噢!海伦娜!完美的女神!你的嘴唇是多麽诱人!让我亲吻那纯白的手吧!

9.Helena: Well, the Greeks are the fourth largest national group in Austrapa, after the British, the Irish and the Itapans.希腊人是澳大利亚第四大民族,在英国、爱尔兰和意大利之后。

10."We know we pve on a rock, but the poor people of Ascension pve on a cinder, " the residents of St Helena had joked before his departure.“我们知道我们生活在岩石上,但阿森松岛可怜的人们是生活在火山灰渣上,”圣赫勒拿岛的居民在他离开之前曾开玩笑说。