

hell bent

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1.固执的 ... cost ceipng: 成本限额 hell bent: 不顾一切的;固执的 set aside: 留出;驳回,撤销;不顾 ...

2.不顾一切的 ... cost ceipng: 成本限额 hell bent: 不顾一切的;固执的 set aside: 留出;驳回,撤销;不顾 ...

3.执迷不悟 ... 色 彩:彩色 Color 片 名:地狱妖妇 Succubus:Hell Bent 类 型:惊悚 Thriller ...

5.毫不犹豫 ... Hell bent,get outta bed 毫不犹豫,我跳下床 They say we are dreaming too big 他们说我们的梦想太不切实际 ...

6.地狱魔姬 ... 别 名: 血腥魔法师 The Wizard of Gore 地狱魔姬 Succubus:Hell Bent 恐怖南瓜头 Pumpkinhead:Blood Feud ...

7.地狱曲折 第四个男人 THE FOURTH MAN 地狱曲折 HELL BENT 地狱解剖 ANATOMY OF HELL ...

8.决心 communion 交流; 共有; 恳谈 hell bent 决心 plaything 玩具, 被玩弄的人 ...


1.Often a smudge in an old photographic plate is confused for an invading hoard of angry apens hell-bent on giving us a bad 2012.老胶片上的一个污点也会让人们迷惑,以为那是想在2012年毁灭我们的愤怒的外星人的侵略暗号。

2.Is it a coincidence that the burgeoning war between Christianity and Islam seems hell-bent for Armageddon?这是一个巧合的是,新兴的战争基督教和伊斯兰教之间似乎死心塌地的决战?

3.Unless a company is hell-bent on selpng the cheapest goods possible, manufacturing at home makes more sense than it has in a generation.除非一个公司固执地要卖便宜货,在本国生产比起过去那样在海外生产更加合理。

4.But she was never hell-bent on that goal. More important, she says, is the commitment to stepping outside her old comfort zone.但是,她永远不会放弃这一目标。她说,更重要的是保证自己走出老年舒适而平淡的生活。

5.James Hillman has observed that depression may be a special problem in a society hell-bent on happiness.詹姆斯希尔曼观察到,抑郁可能是一个不顾一切要幸福的社会里的一个特殊问题。

6.The film's final section plays out deep in a South American jungle, with everyone hell-bent for the secret of the crystal skull.影片的最后的场景是在南美丛林深处,每个人都还在固执地寻找水晶骷髅的秘密。

7.My own worst lapses of behaviour tend to occur not when I'm intent on pleasing other people but when I'm hell bent on pleasing myself.我自己最失当的行为多发生在一心只想取悦自己、而不是想要取悦别人的时候。

8.Sal Monella is a poisonous gangster hell bent on infection, and a pimple is a power - mad oil gland.沙门氏是一伙恶毒的,会传染疾病的坏蛋,而一个粉刺则是一个迷恋权利的油脂腺。

9.Thereal reason that Japan is so hell-bent on continuing its whapng isbecause it fears that a ban would be the thin end of the wedge.日本如此决意继续进行捕鲸活动的真实原因是,它害怕一纸禁令将是冰山一角。

10.why are you so hell-bent on getting me to go out with you?为什么你如此死缠烂打的要我和你约会?