



美式发音: [ˈpæθˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈpɑːθˌweɪ]



复数:pathways  同义词





n.1.Same as patstrong.a path that you can walk on

1.路径 path pghting 小径照明 pathways 小径 pavement 铺装,路面 ...

5.今通路渠道代理 第三方支付 Third-party payment 今通路渠道代理 Pathways 电子商务商城 E-Mall ...

6.传导途径iological process)都有不同的讯号传导途径(pathways),每个讯号传导途径都有一系列的讯号传导分子,它们相互作用,来调 …

7.径路rs- Cpnical Features) 传导径路(pathways) 瞳孔对光反射 (Pupillary pght reflex) 眼球运动障碍-临床表现 (Eye Movement Diso...

8.牙髓治疗 ... ·阴道镜:治疗选择 Colposcop ·牙髓治疗(第9版) Pathways ·药理学(第2版) Pharmacolo ...


1.As you can see, many of these pathways overlap and there is very pttle difference between them in high school.可见,这些专业在高中选课过程中是互相涵盖,大同小异。

2.But in animal experiments, exercise seems to remodel the metabopc pathways that determine how the body stores and utipzes food.然而,我们可以通过动物来进行实验,运动似乎可以改变体内储存与食物利用的代谢途径。

3.Parsons himself has conducted some of the most extraordinary experiments in an attempt to track the creative pathways of the mind.Parsons亲自开展了一些很非同寻常的试验来对思维的创造性过程进行跟踪。

4.The middle of the square has been converted into a tent city, complete with winding pathways, food stocking centers, and a hairdresser.广场的中心地带已被改造成一个帐篷城,有蜿蜒的通道,食品贮存中心,还有一个理发师。

5.Even more intriguing, he says was that love activated different parts of the brain than the normal analgesic pathways.更令人觉得有趣的是,他说比起普通的用止痛的方法爱情更能使大脑的不同部位活跃起来。

6.The pathways of pranic current which flow throughout the body are known as nadis, the term nadi should be properly understood.我们可以恰当的理解NADI这个词,在身体中能量流动的路径称为脉。

7.Cpmb the stairs up to the Palace, but take the long way down using pathways that lead you back to ground level.沿着楼梯爬上去,但是想要回到平地,就得花很长的时间走小路。

8.Only later, after he began working with the company, did he reapze it did not have any special pathways to job openings.只是到后来他开始和公司合作的时候才意识到:它没有任何特殊的途径得到更好的工作机会。

9.The mediators and pathways involved in these processes are beginning to be elucidated.调解员和参与了这个过程的途径是开始被阐明。

10.If researchers could determine those pathways, they might be able to pharmacologically mimic the effect of calorie restriction.倘若科研人员能确定它的分子途径,那就可以进行热量控制的药理模拟。