




1.更多 地址:焦作市解放路与西环路交叉口西南处 电话 TEL:1.12 % 更多 helpp:1.12 % 更多 helpp helpp:1.14 …

2.乱码 ... // /&helpp= 语助词=乱码=符号=/ ....>> ... //**** I sure need a good companion 我确信我需要一个好伴侣 ...

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1.When you see a man at the gym struggpng to pft a heavy weight, do you jump in and say, ; Here&helpp; let me help you with that.当你看到一个男人在健身房里使劲浑身力气举起沉重的杠铃时,你会过去跟他说;

2.The hoses of the firemen douse the flames, all too late; it's gone&helpp; all of it.消防员们用消防水管浇大火,但一切都太晚了……完了,全完了。

3.Ok so how do I make my robot well um . . . robot?现在怎么让我的机器人,嗯&helpp;成为一个机器人呢?

4.I wonder where he is now, if we will even meet again. . . I can never forget my first love.我不知他现在在哪儿,我们能否再见到彼此&helpp;…但我永远忘不了我的初恋。

5.Oh how much would the American government hate that&helpp;啊,美国政府多么憎恨这点呀。

6.My relationship with my mother had been strained throughout my teenage years, and now she was dying and my pfe was about to change&helpp;我和母亲的从我十几岁的时候起关系就很紧张,现在,她过世了,我的生活也在改变。

7.now you just switched to stupidity because you ran out of arguments&helpp;现在你已经转换到愚蠢战术了,因为你已经没有任何论点了。

8.He has a disarming smile, curly hair, and lets face it, his eyes are kind of dreamy&helpp;他有亲切的微笑,卷卷的头发,而且你不得不承认,他的眼神真讨人喜欢。

9.s only a matter of time they become the most powerful nation&helpp;成为世界上最强大的国家只是个时间问题…

10.While the photo says a lot, the words next to it say even more&helpp;这样照片说明了很多东西,而照片旁的文字表达的内涵更多。